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In the first part about codependent relationships (see article part 1), we drew the relationships that existed at that moment and the relationships that were desired. Next, we began to explore the client’s codependency situation using metaphorical cards. The name has been changed, consent for publication has been given. Tatiana pulled the cards out into the open. Card number one showed that love is warmth and the sun and the fire of life. Without love, it is as if empty. It is important to own this love, to be absorbed by it. And we know that with a neurotic need, a person simply cannot live without such a necessary receipt of evidence of love. And without a sense of “ownership of the heart,” she falls into loneliness and experiences anxiety. The second card showed that Tatiana was in a hole, crushed by a tree and its roots. There are a lot of feelings here. And bliss. and joy, and pain, and despair. It was as if she had driven herself into this abyss. There is also a lot of resentment and anger. The spouse is, as it were, in the role of a Parent - a tree. And he is very controlling, and Tatyana feels imprisoned and codependent. Other trees show her path to codependency. And here - on the one hand, she needs to hold on to this heart, and on the other, she is a hostage to the situation. The third card showed the desired woman, who is independent and values ​​herself. She is not anxious and she gains self-confidence. Paints lips with bright lipstick. as a sign of a bright and independent woman. Yes, she loves a partner, but she can allow herself to be an individual and rely on her own taste. We began our work by changing the irrational attitude that “If I am not emotionally connected to my partner, then I am like a nonentity and I cannot be happy.” We addressed the problem of emptiness and anxiety and began to work through childhood traumas and attitudes. We saw how a deficient Self lies within a relationship. And such a Self leads to neurotic, not mature love. Mature love is not possessive, does not use a partner to satisfy its needs. Mature love brings a feeling of harmony in life. And how we worked further - continued should)
