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From the author: In every man, somewhere in the depths of his inner nature, there lives a Fire-Breathing Dragon... In some he sleeps, and perhaps has been sleeping for several centuries, in others he destroys everything indiscriminately , burning with his flame everything that gets in his way, leaving behind only ashes... And someone makes flights unimaginable to the human eye into the heavens together with his Dragon, having mastered this power... “Man and Woman. The Power of the Dragon.” In our world there are many books, films and stories that are similar and dissimilar to each other... Some are forgotten immediately after reading or watching, while others forever leave their imprint somewhere inside us. But among them there are works that are similar to a multi-layered cake, where each new layer (reading or viewing) reveals a new depth of taste... not similar to the previous one... For me, the Russian fantasy melodrama “He-Dragon” became such a film. The main characters of this film met against their will, united by an awakened force, ready to destroy their union at any moment, but it was mortal danger that helped each of them awaken their inner strength, which allowed them to accept and heal each other... He was a Dragon, ready to kill her and it was his nature, because all his ancestors did this to women... his grandfather... his father... She wanted to escape from this horror and quickly return home to her future husband... But by the will of fate, they ended up together on the same island. They saved each other’s lives, and even together they decided to defeat the Dragon, starting to live “like humans.” And this was their precious experience, the experience of communicating with each other, the experience of knowing each other, giving rise to real intimacy between a man and a woman, based on inner freedom and natural attraction... They became for each other a new world, a new Universe... But not despite all their efforts, nature cannot be defeated and he still remained a Dragon... They parted... But only to meet again... “Let it be the way you want, just don’t leave, be like this with me,” the main character will say to her Dragon during their next meeting... And he will remain, since she stopped fighting his Dragon, she fell in love with him and accepted him. Probably Love is the real Acceptance, capable of taming even the power of the Dragon... After all, the Dragon cannot be killed... It cannot be defeated... But you can surrender to its power, not in the Name of sacrifice, but in the Name of Love... And then it will be completely different history...And perhaps then the Fire-Breathing Dragon will become for a man not a source of internal torment, but a source of inexhaustible power and strength and will open for his woman a new space of dizzying flights to the stars and clouds, inviting her on journeys to mysterious worlds, bringing his achievements and discoveries…
