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From the author: Each season has its own resources, Summer is a time of activity, although in extreme heat it is still passive) And it is worth preparing for each season in advance. And I just wanted to talk about the cold and its possibilities for us. Sometimes in the hot summer heat, you remember such a period as “Winter,” but many do not forget about it and begin to prepare ahead of time. Winter embraces us every year. Everything around is covered with a fluffy, white blanket. The state of “BE” comes. Mother Nature falls asleep in a sweet sleep. Of course, this is felt more in villages and small towns. But megacities are also slowing down. So what does winter mean for us, people living in cities with over a million people, and how can we prepare ahead of time? After all, in these cities it is easy to forget about your natural beginning. It is this that, reminding us of itself, whispers to us: “Stop, winter is a period of energy accumulation.” During the summer and autumn periods, our reservoir of energy resources is depleted, and it is not for nothing that the state of depression and apathy worsens in the fall, when the remaining strength is running out. Winter helps to accumulate new energy so that in spring life will reveal itself with new colors and power. And what do we do? In fact, we do a lot, but natural reflexes have not disappeared anywhere. But we do not follow them at all levels and not in all areas of our lives. The physical level has the greatest connection with the earth, so we warm ourselves, drink more hot food, eat more high-calorie foods, thus helping the body retain energy and its own heat. If we neglect protection, we immediately feel it in our health. The only thing we always forget about, and not only in winter, is sleep. Sleep is our recovery, and in cold weather it is also a way to strengthen the immune and nervous system, because cold is stress for our body. But not all areas like the body can express their needs. At the mental level, the winter period slows down the flight of thought and switches us to thinking, our activity drops. And it is precisely this area of ​​“activity” that needs the winter period to restore resources and reservoirs for “fuel”. Due to the speed of life, we often do not have the opportunity to think long and are forced to make quick decisions. It’s probably not in vain that in the middle of winter, on the eve of the New Year, there is time to make plans, build, write down new plans, expectations, ideas, and maybe remember the meaning of our path. This is a time of reflection, not action: “Measure 7 times, cut once.” For an emotional level, this time is especially important. Emotional connections with loved ones become warmer. The period is favorable for strengthening ties with family and establishing contacts, because in the cold you need someone to warm and care for you. Therefore, many strive to spend the New Year holidays with their family or with like-minded people. Winter is the time of fairy tales and the expectation of a miracle, everything evokes magic. For the spiritual level, doors open into something magical. We make wishes and write a list of what we want to do in the new year. The cold, by stopping the speed of movement, helps us understand what we really want from ourselves and from those around us. I suggest taking advantage of the winter gifts of our nature: accumulating energy and resources, accepting the state of “Being,” strengthening close connections and dreaming about the future with a plan in the present. How will you spend this winter?
