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From the author: published in the magazine "The Unknown World" (Ukraine) in May 2012Olga Golikova - head of the Lev Teternikov school, director of the World Assembly of Women, author and presenter of women's trainings. The modern world teaches us to be women who “ride the horse.” They will stop the gallop and enter the burning hut.” It is believed that women living in masculine energies have an easier life. But that's not true. Over time, masculine women cease to emit that wonderful feminine scent for which men build cities and castles. Remember more often why you came here. And you will develop this aroma again. You know that a successful woman is not one who achieves everything herself! A successful woman is one who nurtures her man and accepts from his hands everything that belongs to her by HER BIRTH RIGHT! Therefore, today we will talk about what you do to make your man want to give you gifts, take care of you, help and protect you. Remember how you accept gifts from him? As the greatest gift or just another trinket? After all, it doesn’t matter at all what he brought you this time: an expensive car or a bouquet of wildflowers that he picked on the way from fishing. Having managed to appreciate a small gift, you stimulate him to new exploits in Your name. One girl told me how, sitting on a Crimean beach in the summer, she told her husband that she would like a fur coat. The husband was surprised: “Why do you need her? You’re not going anywhere, are you?” The girl thought and agreed: “Really, why do I need her?” But resentment settled in my soul. And exactly a month later he brought a beautiful silver fox fur coat into the house. As it turned out, he ordered it from the studio shortly after returning from the resort, having previously found out his wife’s measurements from his parents. And now he presented this gift to her with the air of a knight, telling how his friends at work admired the fur coat when he brought it to the office, how they selected fur for this fur coat in the studio, how he waited until he could pick up the finished new thing for his wife... He stood proud of himself, expecting well-deserved praise... And what did the girl answer? She looked at her husband and said ironically: “Oh, such an expensive gift?!” And this is for me!? It will probably snow tomorrow!..” I tried on my fur coat, took it off to hang it in the closet and put on my jacket outside. “What are you talking about! Put it on! Let everyone see you in it!” - the husband became worried... And now this fur coat hangs in the closet, and the girl continues to go to work in an old jacket. And the relationship with my husband is cooling down more and more every day. “He doesn't care about me,” she sighs. - “Why do I need such a husband?” Now they are already sleeping in different rooms. She had a lover, to whom she lost interest after three months. Then another one, with whom the same story repeated itself. She has no idea why relationships that begin like in a fairy tale, at some point lose their charm... But everything depends on you, dear! You can create an ideal relationship if you remember the “three Ps” rule... The “Three Ps” rule: ask, thank and praiseP No. 1. Ask. Why don't you ask the man? Come on, answer. First of all, you are afraid of rejection. What if he says no? Now remember, how does a request differ from a demand? Do you remember? Right. A request implies a choice. You can say no to a request. And He has the right to do so. Are you sure that you are asking and not demanding? Why do you calmly accept refusals? Why don’t you harbor resentment in your soul and don’t feel your pride infringed? That your gaze turned to him does not deprive him of the choice: to answer “yes” or to answer “no”? After all, what happens when you do not leave a choice to a man? There are two options. In the first, he defends his masculine prowess in the only way available to him: by saying “no” before the last word of the request has come out of your mouth. And then you become demonstratively offended and respond with your silent contempt, step by step growing the alienation between you. In the second option, he agrees, coming to terms with his secondary role in your couple. And then you raise an obedient loser, unable to “even take out the trash without dropping the contents.”from the package.” In both cases, you are a winner! You always win, Woman. Anka the machine gunner, witheringly looking at everything in her path. The Great Castrator, with a biting word cutting off from a man all the most masculine that he has... Do you need such a victory? If not, then remember that a woman is lightness. And if you learn to easily accept refusals, you will see how much more often your man will answer “yes” to your requests. The second reason why you don’t ask: you don’t want to seem weak. In our society, for a long time it was customary to consider female weakness as a disadvantage. And it doesn’t matter who invented it: men or women. The important thing is that neither one nor the other benefits from this. But every man wants to be strong. How can he feel this if not through your permission to take care of you, protect you, provide for you? Does he want to feel like a benefactor? Well, let! He is the king, he has the right to this. And you are the Queen who knows how to royally accept his gifts. The third reason: you are waiting for him to figure out what you need. A man is built differently than you. Get this on your beautiful nose. And expecting from him the same actions that you do for him is useless. He is the King who is just waiting to show his royal generosity, and not a lackey to run after you, looking into your mouth and catching all your desires. Agree, with the latter you won’t be interested either. But it is the Woman who makes both a lackey and a king out of a Man. Tip #1. If it’s difficult for you to start asking for something important to you, start asking for what he already does for you: make coffee, check the ignition in the car, take your child to kindergarten... You will see how his posture will change, what pride will appear on his face when he hears a request from you, to which he already has a positive answer. Yes, this practice will be useful for you too: you will see how many things he does FOR YOU. Tip No. 2. If you ask and receive a refusal, answer it with ease, without offending or humiliating the man. Find in your heart gratitude that he does so many other things for you that you need. When you learn to perceive it this way, you will see how much more often a man will answer you “Okay.” Tip No. 3. Ask not in the form of a question, “Will you make some coffee for me?”, but in an affirmative form: “Make some coffee for me, please.” Your feminine pride will not suffer from this. And your man will be doubly pleased to see that his woman trusts him by asking, and does not doubt him by asking.P No. 2. Thank you. Gratitude - sincere, sincere - is a powerful charge of energy that you send to your man. Very often a woman takes for granted everything her partner does for her. But for a man it is very important to hear words of gratitude for every action - just as important as it is for you to hear words of admiration when you appear in front of him in a new dress. It only seems to you that he is hammering nails into the wall for himself. Not at all! He can live in a bachelor cave all his life and never think twice about the leaking faucet in the bathroom. Therefore, everything he does in YOUR home, he does FOR YOU. And your satisfied face is much more important to him than all the gold in this world, which he needs only in order to hear a kind word from your lips. Tip No. 1. And if so, your task, Woman, is to say “thank you” to him for everything YOU have. And say “thank you” from YOURSELF. Speak sincerely, from the heart. Even if it seems to you that he should have done it anyway. Should not! A man doesn’t owe you anything, just like you don’t owe him anything! We come to this Earth and meet here to help each other learn the lessons of developing femininity and masculinity through relationships. And the fact that your mother did not tell you how to BE a Woman does not deprive you of the right to BECOME one. Tip #2. In Novosibirsk, the girls from the training gave me “The Secret Book of Gratitude” by Rhonda Byrne. It is designed in the spirit of the movie "The Secret". On the left page you
