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Recently, crows have appeared in my life... Yes, yes, real, living crows. At first, they began to fly to my window one by one and croak, then their number began to grow, then they flew in a whole herd, not only during the day, but also at night, which is strange, because the crow is a diurnal bird. They began to appear everywhere I went, if I didn’t see them, then I heard them, crows became my constant companions. Today at 6 o'clock in the morning, one of the representatives of the crow kingdom sat down on the balcony cornice and, after hesitating a little, walked along it from right to left, and then flew away. This is not the first case of just such a walking trajectory, so I was not surprised, and after saying hello I fell asleep... And the crow, she came to a dream... In which, sitting on the ledge, she hands me a blank for a mandala (a circle in a square) and lights up: “good art -therapeutic technique will turn out - “what kind of bird am I”! I accepted it with gratitude and thought that it could also be used in trainings, it would be interesting, not only will everyone’s birds be different, but also the group dynamics... Obviously, I decided to start with myself)). While I was preparing everything that was needed for the creative process, I was thinking about what I would draw now, what kind of bird... Some time ago, I had already drawn a mandala with a bird and specifically with a crow, I just wanted to draw that’s all, and then a poem was born about her, but then there was no request about what kind of bird I am, there was only a desire to transfer the image onto paper and specifically the mandala... Various birds flashed in my head, real, not fictional... And then, interpretations of what exactly, in each of those who came on the mind of birds, resourceful and necessary for me, in this particular period of life. She sat down, put a blank for a mandala, a pastel, in front of her, “let go of her head,” went for the color and... the process began... The bird turned out to be completely different from the images that came to me during the preparation... This always happens in art therapeutic processes, there is only one thing in my head , but the hands do something completely different, the main thing is to go for the color, for the emotions, in art therapy it is important that you like the drawing, and you like it not because it was done correctly from the point of view, for example, of artists, or a neighbor on the landing, but the author liked it , and without criticism, they say, I don’t know how to draw... Everyone can draw, but everyone is different, because even the paintings of famous artists are different and some people like some, and some others... When the mandala was ready, I remembered that last night , for about thirty minutes I walked at a very slow pace, looking into the distance and slightly upward, while trying to capture the view to the sides so as not to see what was under my feet, and to walk trusting my body. At first I stumbled several times, since I hadn’t walked down the street in this mode for a long time, given that the road was not very smooth, there were turns and curbs, and then the body “turned on” and on its own, without involving the eyes, felt how and when to put my foot ... At some point, a feeling and “vision” of my own world came, which smoothly, as if mixing colors, mixes, blurring, but not erasing the boundaries with the big world, simply huge, in which people, animals, plants, the sun, clouds live, specks of dust... Each person is a world, a universe, separate from everyone else, but at the same time, he is in constant contact with the vast universe, in which there is a lot of interesting things, you just need to allow yourself to see and accept... Why did I move from the mandala to my slow walk yesterday with trust in the body, you ask. It’s simple, looking today at the resulting mandala, I felt the same as yesterday, here I am a bird, it is in a circle, this is my world, and there is something beyond its limits and my bird goes beyond these limits, it in a circle and behind a circle, how one universe flows into another... Of course, my mandala is not only about what I wrote about, but that’s another story))) Drawing mandalas is not always about expanding your personal space, your boundaries... Mandalas for many things and in many ways, they/
