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When there are problems in a relationship, self-esteem always suffers. Breaking up is always unpleasant. There are signs that this needs to be done, even if it is difficult. What are they? 1. When a partner has him and his life, but it’s as if there is no place for you there. 2. The partner uses violence and humiliates. If you forgive a slap, then before you know it you’ll get another one. Insults and humiliation are also part of the category of emotional abuse. Where there is violence, there is no love. 3. The partner promises and does not keep his word. Once, twice. When this happens over and over again, you should think, “Do I want to live constantly waiting and being disappointed?” As a rule, if someone really needs something, he will find a way to get it done. 4. Your partner doesn’t care what happens in your life. He is not interested in this, which means you are not interested in him either. 5. If your partner compares you with others not in your favor. In such a situation, self-esteem drops sharply and there is a feeling that they want to “remake” you. It’s normal to talk about your desires, carefully, without hurting the other. If it is said in the form: “Stepan has some abs, not like you” or “And Alyonka is so feminine, you should do the same,” then this is an abuse. 6. You have been together for a long time, but you don’t know some part his life. The partner does not talk about his parents, work, friends, hobbies, and when you ask him, he changes the topic or refuses to answer. This is a sign of distrust. 7. Your partner doesn’t care about your opinion. You discuss something, express your position, share what you like and what you don’t like. And he ignores it. 8. Unjustified jealousy and control. Checking social media networks, sudden arrival to work, interrogation with bias, if they were delayed somewhere. All this speaks of tendencies towards abuse. And it will only get worse. 9. Partners are incompatible in sex. If there is no emotional intimacy in sex, there is no agreement on technical aspects and there is no desire to solve this problem, then it is necessary to break up. If there is manipulation of sex, sex under duress or “because it is necessary.” The sexual part of a relationship in a couple is an integral part. With respect and gratitude for your attention, your psychologist Yulia Zhukova. ©Zhukova Yu. V., 2022 Sign up for a consultation in private messages or by phone / WhatsApp +79878657570
