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Accentuation (from Latin accentus - emphasis) Accentuation of character is a feature of the mental development of a person, expressed in the strengthening of some character traits and the weakness of others under the influence of heredity and external conditions This term was introduced by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard at the beginning of the 20th century. Leonhard studied personality typology and identified 12 types of character accentuation. In modern science, the concept of character accentuation is clarified and classified in different ways. Currently, it is customary to distinguish 6 types of character accentuation: Hyperthymic accentuation - characterized by pronounced optimism, energy and activity, often with a good mood and carelessness. Example: People with hyperthymic accentuation are usually the center of attention, they easily make new acquaintances and can quickly adapt to any situation. Dysthymic accentuation - characterized by increased anxiety, vulnerability, a tendency to worry and negative emotions. Example: People with dysthymic accentuation may be more sensitive to criticism and negative comments. They may be prone to depression and anxiety. Cyclothymic accentuation - characterized by periodic mood swings, first with pronounced activity and energy, then depression, pessimism and apathy. Example: People with cyclothymic accentuation may be more susceptible to bipolar affective disorder. During periods of upswing, they can be very energetic and creative, and during periods of decline, they can feel oppression and despair. Anancast accentuation - characterized by increased demands on themselves and others, a tendency towards perfectionism, rigidity and suspiciousness. Example: People with anancast accentuation can be very accurate and disciplined, but at the same time can spend too much time on details and suffer because of their demands on others. Emotive accentuation - characterized by pronounced emotions, sensitivity and empathy, but also a tendency to depression and anxiety. Example: People with emotive With accentuation, they can show greater empathy towards others and feel strong sympathy for those who are in trouble. However, they may also suffer due to their sensitivity and tendency to oppress. Infantile accentuation - characterized by immaturity, emotional dependence, self-deprecation and insecurity. Example: People with infantile accentuation may exhibit immature behavior and a tendency to self-deprecation. They may also depend on other people and have difficulty making decisions on their own. In general, character accentuation is not a mental illness, but only a personality trait. However, with strongly pronounced features of accentuation that are not compatible with social norms, the help of a specialist may be required. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution, then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online)
