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Aggressive children The word “aggression” comes from the Latin “agressio”, which means “attack”, “attack”. Causes: Somatic diseases, or brain disease. It is possible to raise the child in the initial years of life: minimal communication with the mother, lack of affection, attention and the nature of punishment. If you do not respond to aggression, then it can result in impunity and permissiveness. Portrait: A child attacks other children, calls them names, beats them, takes away and breaks toys, deliberately uses rude expressions - in one word “thunderstorm”. An aggressive child needs the help of adults, because his aggression is, first of all, a reflection of internal discomfort, the inability to adequately respond to current events. An aggressive child often feels rejected. He tries to attract attention and does this “to the best of his ability and his life experience,” which causes a negative reaction to his actions among adults and peers. And so he goes around in circles... Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame to others. Often they cannot assess their aggressiveness. They do not notice how they instill fear and anxiety in others. On the contrary, it seems to them that the whole world wants to offend THEM. Identifying an aggressive child is not in order to label it, but to help in a timely manner. Aggression criteria: Child: - Often loses control of himself - Often argues, swears with adults. - Often refuses to follow rules. - Often deliberately irritates people. - Often blames others in his mistakes. - Often angry and refuses to do anything. - Often envious, vindictive. - Sensitive, reacts very quickly to various actions of others, which often irritate him. It is possible to assume that a child is aggressive only if for at least six months, at least four of the eight listed signs were manifested in his behavior. Therefore, such a child needs the help of a specialist: a psychologist or a doctor. Check your child’s aggressiveness (Positive answer - 1 point): 1. At times it seems that he is possessed by an evil spirit.2. He cannot remain silent when he is dissatisfied with something.3. When someone does him harm, he always tries to repay the same.4. Sometimes he wants to swear for no reason.5. It happens that he takes pleasure in breaking toys, breaking something, gutting something.6. Sometimes he insists on something so much that those around him lose patience.7. He is not averse to teasing animals.8. It is difficult to argue with him.9. Get very angry when it seems to him that they are making fun of him.10. Sometimes he has a desire to do something bad, shocking those around him. 11. In response to ordinary orders, strive to do the opposite.12. Often grouchy beyond his age.13. Perceives himself as independent and decisive.14. Likes to be first, to command, to subjugate others.15. Failures cause him great irritation.16. Easily quarrels, gets into fights.17. Tries to communicate with younger and physically weaker people.18. He often has bouts of gloomy irritability.19. Does not consider peers, does not yield, does not share.20. I am confident that he will complete any task better than anyone else. High aggressiveness - 15 - 20 points. Average - 7 – 14 points. Low - 1 -6 points. Working with anger. What is anger? A feeling of strong indignation, which is accompanied by a loss of control over oneself. In our culture, it is indecent to show this feeling. But the trick is that: - If you do not let go of anger, then a “piggy bank” for anger is gradually formed. And, even worse, at some point it will definitely spill out, and not at the right moment and on the person who came to hand. - Without breaking free, a negative feeling will gradually form in us various somatic diseases (stomach, heart, head ). Psychologists recommend that at the moment of the highest intensity of passions, allow the child to do what he wants: for example, swear loudly, or, together with him, draw a picture of the offender, depict him in any situation, sign what he.
