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During a consultation, a client approached me whose request was related to her four-year-old daughter’s fear of the dark. The client’s complaints sounded like this: “My four-year-old daughter worries me, she has become afraid of the dark. When I put her to bed, everything is fine, and ten minutes later I hear her calling through her tears and asking to come to our bed." In reality, the child and parents maintain a very strong emotional connection, so it is important that parents do not doubt the capabilities of their baby . Parents always play the role of protectors, those you can rely on. Therefore, they are a key figure in resolving the child's fears. If parents communicate with the child, devote time to him, show their care and love, then the child develops a sense of security, which means he is self-confident. Under the influence of parents, the child develops a mindset to overcome fears. Parental support and the child's self-confidence are the key to solving the problem of overcoming the fear of the dark. To help your child cope with his worries, you first need to talk, with detailed questioning in great detail about her fear. Find out the reason. Make it clear that you can and should fight fear on your own. The child should feel parental support in the fight against fear. As an option to support your baby, you can walk around the dark room with him, tell and show everything you see in the nursery, explaining that there is nothing to be afraid of here. Take into account the child’s opinion, this is very important for him. Ask the child to draw his fear in the picture, and then destroy this fear with him. There can be several methods of destruction; a brave fairy-tale hero can defeat it: a child can wash it off with water from the picture; burning or cutting it into pieces is a suitable option. You can offer another funny option, when you add something to the fear that would make it funny and harmless. Compose a fairy tale with your child, in which your child will be the main character. This method is called fairy tale therapy. In more complex situations, of course, you need to consult a child psychologist who will carry out correctional work to overcome the fear of the dark of a complex nature: the work of a psychologist with the child and the work of parents with the child according to the recommendations of a psychologist. There are several methods of psychological influence on the emotional background of the child, such such as: play therapy, fairy tale therapy, projective methods, methods of relaxation and self-regulation. In the process of psychotherapy, an indicator of its effectiveness can be the client’s feeling of confidence that the girl will overcome her fear of the fear of the dark.
