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Let's start with the fact that before entering the profession, most specialists are, let's say, socially awkward people. That is, people with some problems in communication and interaction, in some cases naive, in others closed. And so on. This fact does not confirm the myth that people go to psychology to solve their problems. All people have problems. But to a certain extent, each specialist initially chooses the area that is close to him and in which he is least competent. That is, a person simply chooses what interests him and where he can develop, expanding his competencies. The ability to realize and openly express one’s emotions in psychotherapy means more than age. It’s bad if a psychologist goes into the profession of “doing good” and “saving everyone.” It's bad if he really goes to solve his problems. This is not the most efficient way. He will simply waste time on training, but will not solve problems. How can knowledge of theory solve a problem? No way. And there is not much therapy while studying at a university. And the format is still educational. Let’s return to life experience. Of course, it is important. But not as you understand it: “He went through a lot,” but in the quality of “he helped me grow personally and spiritually.” Agree, you can go through a lot and still remain a fool. A fool does not become wiser with age. He becomes an old fool. But, of course, with good marketing, it will have customers who look at age. The lotus position does not mean that you are meditating. It means that you are sitting with your legs crossed. What is this notorious height? This is a certain degree of stability, acceptance of events and situations in the world. That is, there is something wild going on around you, but you don’t fall into panic and passion, but continue to act rationally. Without stuffing emotions, not including defenses and stereotypical behavior, but through observation, receiving information and reacting to it, and not your thoughts. Is life experience important here? Undoubtedly. But professional skills are more important. A forty-year-old graduate of a psychology department is far from equal to a forty-year-old psychologist with a first degree obtained after school. By the way, the way of learning and thinking is laid down at the first degree. The rest is “strung” onto this axis. So don’t confuse age and profession. Thank you. Keep calm. Contact us. Article on Zen Did you like the article? Share, like.)
