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Changes will come from Space 2012 - transformation of the contradiction between the inner world and the outer world (team, society) So, the year 2012 has come, which almost all of humanity has been awaiting with trepidation and excitement - some some with fear, some with hope. There are many alarming expectations associated with this year, the main one of which is associated with the end of the next global cycle according to the calendar of the ancient Mayan peoples. But many other sources, on the contrary, associate hopes for the advent of a new, more harmonious and perfect era with this same year. In any case, 2012 promises to be fateful - and in what specific direction changes will occur - this largely depends on the level of consciousness and direction of development of each person and humanity as a whole, as E.I. Roerich said, “Humanity is divided along the border of personal and common good." In 2012, entering the 4th dimension, the world will acquire an image of unity in the consciousnesses prepared for the future of people. This means that many have already faced the test of the separateness of the world, and are trying to pass this test. Let's see what the planets of the solar system can say about the main trends in the development of humanity in 2012, the energy of which affects the nature of the processes occurring on Earth. Uranus entered the constellation Aries - which means humanity is waiting for global transformation changes. Let's consider the 4 vertices of the Cross of Uranus for 2012, and in this regard, the configuration in the form of a pyramid formed in the cosmic diagram by the planets. In order to live not only with the time of the new era, but also learn to pass the energies of Uranus through yourself, we will introduce you to the technology of entering the 4th measurement. Cross of Uranus: 23.03; 22.06; 21.09; 22.12 - technology of entering the 4th dimension (Age of Aquarius). Uranus is a symbol of Novelty, Brotherhood and Unity. During this period, humanity needs to discover the truth of its Human nature, accept the novelty that the energy of Uranus brings to us, and create new relationships with the outside world on the basis of harmony and tolerance. EVERYTHING that is around you is also inside! 2012 is a chance to find your place and role in the flow of Life.1. 03/21-03/23/2012 - 1st Apex of the Cross of Uranus - spring equinox, the beginning of a new astrological cycle (New astrological year 2012). On this day, a person’s mind should be ready to accept a new program. Which the Age of Aquarius (ruler Uranus) brings to us. What is novelty? What is the future for man? Everyone must find an answer to these questions. You need to imagine the future of your family, your work, your city. Countries and their place and role in this future. A person needs to realize the prospects of his life, build it in a new way, even if now everything suits him. Uranus offers us a new transformation, new opportunities. Understand who I am? See yourself as a multifaceted personality who knows how to live in 7 spheres of relationships with the outside world. 7 spheres of human life: 1. I am a physical body. I form a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) in my mind.2. I am positive emotions, feelings, I form new beautiful relationships. I am learning to control my negative emotions or they are controlling me.3. I am my thoughts “Where there are thoughts, there is energy.” What thoughts am I forming? Thoughts, positive or negative, that destroy all my activities. All my life.4. I am the Soul, and the Soul is the desire to unite with others. The soul is the experience of unity. I am connections, contacts, this is the exchange of love energy with the people around us (like the exchange of energy of organs in our body.)5. I am a part of the team (relative, family, professional, like-minded people, friends).6. I am a part of society. The family is the unit of society.7. I am a particle, a cell of planet Earth. This means I live according to the laws of the planetary organism. Recommendations: By this date, a person must realize the Purpose and Meaning of life. Understand for yourself who “I” am and why I was born? Discover the truth of your nature, create a development program for 2012g. And the next few years, at least. 2. 06/23/2012 - 2nd Top of the Cross of Uranus - on this day a person’s willingness to accept his past experience, or rather to find in it something positive that will help us in the future to realize our plans on March 23. To enter the portal of the New Age you need to clear your past experience. As the ancients said, in order for the new to come, you must abandon the old, clean out all your imperfections that prevent you from living and building relationships normally. Reevaluate the values ​​of life, change your worldview. But giving up your past is difficult; it must be accepted, understood and transformed (the 3 P rule). Consider family values, parental attitudes, norms and principles accepted in society and learned in childhood and adolescence, supported by personal experience. Values ​​are neither good nor bad, but values ​​that were given to you by your parents for a reason. According to the law of continuity and similarity, any person lives like his parents; parental positions and attitudes arise long before the child is born. Attitudes formed in childhood can either help a person achieve goals or hinder this, perhaps even preventing us from living a happy, fulfilling life. How we see ourselves, others and the whole world - this, according to R.W. Richardson, is determined by the attitudes of our family of origin; the glances that frolic in it remain with a person throughout his life. Possible options for negative attitudes No. Levels of the relationship system Negative attitudes 1. Man and the material world “I am ugly,” “I am weak and helpless,” “I am poor,” etc. 2. Man and emotional world “Feeling is dangerous” “Strong experiences are not for me”, etc. 3. Man and the information world “I’m stupid and stupid” “I won’t succeed” “I’m not capable of anything” “I’m a loser” “ Success is for the strong.” Etc. 4. Interpersonal relationships “I am nothing but trouble,” “I am unworthy of attention, love and respect,” “I am worthless, and therefore everyone will reject me,” etc. 5. Man and the world of collective relations “I am bad (mother, housewife)”, “No one needs me”, “I am not interesting” 6. Man and the world of social relations “I have no rights”, “Life is a game”, “I am a small person”, “God unfair.”7. Man and the world of human relations “Everything is useless.” “my life has no meaning”, “I can’t change anything”, etc. E. Berne put forward the idea that from early childhood a person has an idea of ​​himself and the world around him. These ideas can be characterized as follows: 1. “I+” - a person positively evaluates himself and his manifestation in the world around him. A person perceives himself and behaves as a prosperous person.2. The “I” person negatively evaluates himself and his manifestation in the world around him. He considers his successes to be accidental. Failures are perceived as a natural phenomenon. He does not make active attempts to get out of an unfavorable situation, submitting to life circumstances. The position is formed in early childhood and is often not realized. It is the main characteristic of the complex and is very difficult to change.3. “YOU+” - a person positively evaluates another person and his manifestation in the world around him. A person expresses friendliness towards other people, a willingness to try on misunderstandings, and a desire to preserve established connections through reasonable concessions. He also sees the shortcomings of his partners, but takes them for granted and does not try to fight them with force. A person with this position is inclined to make new contacts. Such people pay attention to the merits of new partners, are friendly and enter into business relationships relatively easily. 4. “You-” - a person negatively evaluates another person and his manifestation in the world around him. A person is set up for conflict with people around him, whom he considers dysfunctional individuals. Often people with this position have a desire to re-educate their loved ones. Such people are prone to ironic remarks,excessive criticism, sarcasm, pickiness, ready to end relationships and cut off ties even for a minor reason. Such people exhibit shyness and a desire to avoid new contacts. Adaptation to a new environment is slow. When a person takes one of these positions in childhood, the style of the person’s relationship with the outside world is formed, which subsequently gives rise to a number of life problems. In general, three main types of relationships can be distinguished: Co-dependent - one partner leads, makes decisions within the couple, the other is a performer, subordinate, waits for instructions (slave-master, Conflict - characterized by relationships where there is a struggle for power and rivalry. Affiliate - characterized a way of life in which both spouses have equal rights and there is no subordination of one to the other. Problems here are resolved through discussion and agreement. How to “clear” our past experience? To do this, we must scroll back through our lives, like a ball, and remember what happened during these periods. ?What events, 7-14-21-28 years ago. Like the past that prevents you from moving forward in relationships, in the professional sphere. Remember the style of behavior and phrases of your parents, relatives, which perhaps hurt you and you do not like, and where you use them. If we work through the past in our behavior and begin to change our position towards the world around us, then the world around us will begin to transform, as the ancients said, “The world is our mirror,” “By changing ourselves, the world around us changes.” 3. By 21.09 - the 3rd Top of the Cross of Uranus - by this day, having worked through our past experience, our attitudes in the parental scheme, having found the positive, we adjust our partnerships. Relationships should be filled with novelty. If there is no consistency in action in a family, team, or society, conflict arises. There is something new in our lives when we build partnerships from codependent relationships. And you need to learn this. A person learns a lot in life, learns to draw, learns to drive a car, learns professionalism, why does he think that partnership relations do not need to be learned. We offer you a short course “The Art of Building Harmonious Relationships.” Depending on past experience, culture and level of consciousness, a person exhibits a certain style of relationships. Seven styles of relationships can be distinguished. The codependent type of relationship belongs to the dual type and is inherent in the styles: “Master-Slave”, “Martyr-Egoist”, “Computer-Manipulator”, they are characterized by: the desire to establish control over each other, blaming each other for their problems, as well as the tendency to hope that one partner will behave exactly as the other would like is manipulation. The partnership type of relationship is inherent in the following styles: “Manager-Apprentice”, “Partner-Co-Partner”, “Creator-Co-Creator”. This group of relationships is distinguished by an orientation from one’s “I” to a partner, business, team, society. This is an open relationship, responsibility for another. Partnerships in the family are complete and true equality of husband and wife (partners) in all matters of family life without exception. In the Russian language there is the word “Family”, which fully reflects the words of Christ: “A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Family is the “seven-I” - 7 levels of systemic, comprehensive relationships with the outside world, created by the co-creation of a man and a woman. Level 1 Equality, as a fair division of responsibility (functional duties) and material benefits. Level 2. Open, emotionally sensitive relationships “Say. What you see and feel, but don’t criticize.” Level 3. Family roles and “love languages” are diverse, cross-pollinating, they are constantly changing and transforming. 4 level. Trust in each other and respect for everyone's interests. 5.lv. Conditions are created for all family members for development (physical, personal, professional, social, etc.) 6 level. The fundamental rule is the coordination of the hierarchy of values ​​in the sphere of relationships and ideals. Family participation in activities useful to society. Level 7. Vision and goal 4.!
