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I regularly conduct free consultations for psychologists, consultants, and coaches on the topics: “Selling psychologist services,” “Presenting yourself,” “How to write a description of your products so that people want to buy them.” And this is what I observe: there is PORRIDGE in the heads of my colleagues. Moreover, it is even difficult to describe. Psychologists have difficulty selling their services; they do not know how to approach a client in order to offer him their program or training. This is a mess of concepts that have become ingrained in the mind and which lead to poverty (lack of income), and not to money. This is a mess of techniques that psychologists were taught, but were not given a system - everything is thrown together, they did not explain how to work with a client step by step: “I work on intuition, somehow I get the client out of a tailspin.” I hear these phrases regularly. This is what psychologists tell me, who, in addition to classical higher education, studied the method of practical work, i.e. received additional PRACTICAL postgraduate education. At first, observing all this, I was guilty of the fact that some did not study well and did not study - they skipped work, did not pass supervision, practical tests, etc. Now I understand that the point is not that they studied poorly, but that some of them were poorly taught and undereducated. Of course, when a psychologist’s eyes widen when he hears my question, “What diagnostic tools do you use?” - I am at a loss: there are specialists who know nothing about this, do not use any tools and look at me with suspicion: “We are not doctors to make a diagnosis.” Not doctors, there is no need to make a diagnosis. But it is necessary to study the client’s system of thinking, behavior and defenses (in my opinion) - I don’t know how to work without this. Of course, if a psychologist does not have the habit (no tools) of primary diagnosis of the client, then it is very difficult for such a specialist to conduct research on the Target Audience in order to effectively set up a sales system for your services. If you don’t have this skill and even have vague ideas about how to do this, then there will be difficulties in creating an original program, and even more so in describing it. When a psychologist has a mess in his head, he positions himself as a “universal mechanic” - he ready to work with everyone who gets into his space and sins by not maintaining the “take-give” balance, but simply pleases the client, receives pennies for his services and says that “I feel satisfaction from having helped the client , and the money will come later.” If you have the same file in your head, then you are on a direct and short path to professional burnout. Do you need it? I will give you the basic diagnostic tools that I use myself. I am a representative of the Adlerian method of work and what will be discussed below can be studied in more detail in the literature on this method. So: the client’s personality is at the center; we can consider it from different positions, combining them. Childhood experience. Defensive attitudes formed in the preschool period - I conduct research using a special algorithm that identifies primary protective mechanisms, then we look at how they work now: they serve faithfully or interfere. This is a study of the “rake along which the client walks” Family environment. How the client describes his family members - you can ask him to write with adjectives about those he wants to write about. You will receive a lot of material for research, discussion with the client and further work. Social environment. How the client perceives society, what place he gives to himself. What does the client want to change, what is his resource, what does he rely on. Birth order in his parental family. Older and younger children, only children or middle children, choose different models of behavior. Yes, there are exceptions, there are situations in which, based on behavioral reactions, the older and younger ones change places. There are reasons for such substitutions - they need to be found. This may be important for further work with the client. Intentions: self-affirmation, protest, survival, revenge. What are the client's intentions, how does he achieve.
