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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya This question is often asked to me by my clients with whom I work from Moscow and Voronezh. This technique took place in the same format The girl from Moscow was 28, the need for sex was minimal, and orgasm from clitoral stimulation was not a motivation for sex, and was not considered such a great pleasure. The client had been in a relationship for about three years, planning to legalize it. But the sexual problems did not decrease, and on this wave, she came to see me as a sexologist and family psychologist. I want to voice the information that is known to all experienced sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists. In the classics of sexology, three models of libido are noted: platonic, erotic and sexual. Platonic libido is when all love lives in the head. Remember yourself, for example, in 4th - 5th grade and your love and attractions at this age. Next comes erotic libido, when a different, more mature attraction to the opposite sex arises, but this, most often, does not go beyond kissing. Then, sexual libido is formed normally. Then the girl has already matured sexually, she has learned different types of love, relationships, and is ready for sex. But sometimes a woman can get stuck in the erotic libido phase, and then hugs and kisses for her can already be equal to sex. And, as they say: the continuation of the banquet is not so important to her, and she does not see much pleasure in sex. My client from Moscow had approximately the same picture. I, as a sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist, went deep into her past to correct what should have been removed, and the topic of anorgasmia and frigidity let the girl go. I remembered the first story when the client said: “I hug, kiss, but I don’t know how to move on to sex.” The client’s boyfriend actually made some claims against her, saying: “Is this just what I need? I want you to take the initiative in sex more often. It’s important for me to know that you want me sexually.” Here I, as a sexologist and psychologist, worked with her sexual identity. Here it really turned out that the sex leader was a teenage girl, who was more turned on by erotic games than by sex itself. I also remembered the words of my mother, who often said: “Sex should only be with your husband after marriage. Before the wedding: no, no.” Dad echoed her response: “If you have sex before marriage, then no one will marry you.” Now we have removed the power of these beliefs, I would say: of the last century. And the client filled herself with a flower - a symbol of herself, allowing herself to behave in sex the way she sees fit. Next, we again corrected the image, making psychological maturation. Along the way, we corrected the relationship in the couple, correcting the picture in the girl’s head. Now her boyfriend also looked a little different. He smiled, his sarcasm towards her went away. Both looked more confident and moving towards the goal. We also changed the guy’s wishes: “try and please me” to participate in sex as equal sexual partners. In addition, they removed the workload and withdrawal from both. In the future, the client realized the need for couples sexual therapy, because now we have corrected what lives in.
