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This quote, which serves as the title of this article, is taken from one of the chapters of the book by J. Hollis, “Dreams of Eden, in Search of the Good Wizard.” This book is devoted to the consideration of relationships between people from the point of view of analytical Jungian psychology, the successor of whose ideas is J. Hollis. Although in the Russian edition the book is published under this title, in the original it is called “The Eden project. In search of the Magical Others,” which can literally be translated as “Project Paradise. In search of magical others." Although this translation sounds less literary and artistic, it reflects the main essence of Hollis' idea expressed in this book, which is that a person seeks a lost reunion (his lost paradise in a symbolic sense) through religious experiences, affectively charged ideas (complexes), the divine, the symbolic life, but above all through connection and reunification with Others, who can also be illusorily endowed with magical properties and abilities. The excessive importance of “magical others” in a person’s life can lead him to the loss of his own “I” if he is rejected by them. The wider a person’s projection of his own “I” onto the “Other” and endowing him with “magical” properties, the greater the mental pain after the disappearance of this projection. To recognize the absolute uniqueness of the “Other” without projection is to come into contact with his unconscious. The path to individuation requires tension and energy, the path to maturity is associated with the acceptance of fear and the renunciation of illusions. A mature personality is not only socially adapted, but also capable of deep feelings of both joy and sadness. Mental disorders and adjustment difficulties according to Hollis may be associated with the "psychological" consequences of the desire to heal one's mental wounds, which can be expressed in behavior and symptoms. These are the processes of mental development that any person goes through, be it a psychotherapist or a person who turned to him for help. When providing psychological assistance to a person, a practicing psychologist or psychotherapist uses various methods and tools and primarily works with the help of his own personality. The importance of undergoing your own individual psychotherapy during the training process and, if necessary, during practice, group psychotherapy, constant individual and group supervision for practicing psychologists and especially psychotherapists is often mentioned, but it also makes sense to remind you of this every time. A psychologist and psychotherapist must be on the path of constant self-development, reflection and revision of their own views, even with experience and completed education in any of the areas. This is not only his professional duty, caring for the individual, both his own and the personality of the client in the process of psychological counseling or psychotherapy, but also an obligation related to the ethical code of the psychologist. Long-term productive psychotherapy is impossible without establishing a psychotherapeutic alliance between the psychologist and the client. When establishing an alliance, an interpersonal exchange of experience and conditions occurs at the object level, and here, too, the psychologist should not be given the illusion that his condition is invisible to the client and he is in complete control of the situation. Even with less psychological knowledge, each person sees the world and other people through the prism of his experience, the client constantly observes and evaluates the psychotherapist himself, especially in the first stages of work and in the process of establishing a psychotherapeutic alliance, even when the psychotherapist may feel like he is in withdrawal. Depending on psychological views and the theoretical paradigm used, the psychotherapist can use interventions, interpretations, active listening, work with acting out, transference and countertransference processes, empathy and resonant response, imaginative field, etc. Any of the psychotherapeutic tools, regardless of +7 903 138 02 41
