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The central symptom of depression is persistently low mood and loss of pleasure. Subjectively, people suffering from depression often feel that they feel bad most of the time, and it is not always easy for them to treat their condition in a differentiated manner, to characterize exactly what feelings they experience. Sometimes when someone is depressed, it feels like they “have no feelings.” It is easier for him to characterize his condition not through what he feels now, but by talking about what he has lost. There used to be joy, there was inspiration, but now there is not. Apathy dominates, nothing matters, the person does not feel fully alive. Somatic symptoms are often added to a poor emotional state, and it is believed that the less conscious the emotions are, the more symptoms manifest themselves at the body level. In this article I will focus on the possible range of emotions experienced during depression. It must be said that different people have a very different range of emotions and the level of their awareness, but to achieve progress in therapy it is very important to learn to observe your emotions. As a rule, with close observation it is still possible to gain access to feelings. The most typical emotions that a person experiences with depression are sadness and melancholy. A depressed person tends to fixate on failures and pay attention to negative events. He experiences losses more acutely, even minor ones. When depressed, a person often experiences a feeling of hopelessness. A person, due to his feelings and due to distortions in thinking, sees the future only in black colors. Typical depressive experiences include anger and irritation. A depressed person has a reduced ability to tolerate discomfort and may therefore react more acutely to frustration. A depressed person is more susceptible to feelings of resentment than usual. Often he feels in need of special support and understanding that his loved ones are unable to give. Any signs of rejection can be interpreted in a catastrophic way and be very painful. Self-blaming tendencies are very characteristic of depression. A depressed person usually objectively copes worse with life’s tasks, and also tends to fixate on his failures, exaggerate, and catastrophize them. He seems insignificant to himself, incapable of anything, and experiences guilt and shame. Anxiety is a fairly common accompaniment of depression. Often it seems to be pointless, although with close attention you can catch disturbing thoughts. Sometimes there are difficulties with making decisions, a person suddenly begins to doubt simple things. Analysis of emotions and the thoughts that lie behind them plays a central role in the treatment of depression. It is very important to understand the huge tangled tangle of “everything is bad”, to see the details, and with them the opportunity to change your view, find resources and support. If you have depressive symptoms, I can help you figure out what exactly you are feeling and what thoughts stand behind feelings, and also find opportunities to influence your emotional state. My phone (Telegram, Whatsapp) 8-916-150-88-30
