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No matter what religion you study, no matter what psychological theories you study, one idea is a common thread everywhere - there are no bad and no good. There are two beginnings in you. There is essence and masks. Righteousness and sin. Awareness and pattern. And if you develop the first, then at first it hurts. After all, to get to the core, you need to break the shell. A shell of everything superficial, alien, falsely imposed. Getting to your true self is really not easy. But it's worth it. Because then it will be good. According to my heart. To your liking. But we are all designed in such a way that we want “good” now. Therefore, we begin to cultivate our second state. False. Made up. Imposed. And this is quite understandable. This is how we defend ourselves. From truth, trauma, mistakes. We ask our psyche for pain relief. And we get it. And then, when the “freeze” begins to “go away,” you feel wild pain. It is many times greater than all previous experiences. And you shout: “No, this is not with me! Give me another pill!” You swallow the drug again and again, forgetting yourself, running away from reality. And so - in a vicious circle. At some point you stop understanding where you are and where the mask is. You are so far from your “Divine Self” that you begin to doubt whether it was even in me? And this is the first step towards awareness. To return to yourself. To your core. To your essence. We are all different. We develop differently. Someone, having once turned off their path, quickly realizes that they are following the wrong path, and headlong returns. For some, a journey through life is unthinkable without their favorite rake, which they stand on again and again, hitting the same bump in the same place. Someone tries on different masks, shows off in front of mirrors in different guises, hesitating for a long time to show the world their true self... We are all different. And everyone has their own life lessons. But I believe that everyone has enough courage, wisdom, love, patience and strength to dare to look at their true selves. After all, once you get to know your bright being, you will no longer want to go back. And this will be the only right decision. Because it is on such decisions that a harmonious universe is built.
