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It is important to know that the unconscious can dictate a person’s perception and behavior, which is not adequate to reality. Using an example, one can make out such a shapeshifter. A girl is getting ready to get married, but on the threshold of the event, her groom leaves her and leaves without really explaining anything. And this is not the first time this has happened to her. She suffers very much every time, but life takes its toll - she falls in love again, and then again she is abandoned, and the reason is not clear. If therapy is carried out using the method of psychoanalysis, it eventually turns out that the girl seeks to enter someone else's family, she is looking for a man with a large, friendly complete family, so that there are siblings, and in addition to parents, grandparents, many friends. And as soon as such a man appears, she falls in love with him, having invented him, without knowing him, without seeing him in reality, because she always wanted to exchange her family for another. This ALWAYS may not even be from childhood, but much later, including in late adolescence (from 19 to 24 years old), because the need unconsciously arose to get rid of your family. She vaguely feels this dislike for her family; she can drown out this dislike with desperate attempts to care for her already elderly parents, siblings, and great-family. But this is pain and irritation - My family is bad, not like others, I don’t want to be part of it - I want to exchange it for another - this pain itches my brain and makes me look for someone else’s family. She looks closely and in detail at other people's families, but her perception is as if with blinders, a prism of improving the picture before her eyes. She is unconsciously sure that THERE is always better, but here, in her family, everything is bad. This filter changes both the man and his family beyond recognition - improves - to say the least - makes a heavenly paradise. Because the girl is looking for paradise. But the man is not at all who her perception makes him out to be. In fact, it’s either a big guy, or fluttering around the ladies, or a scammer, etc. But time after time she chooses exactly this one. And we can say with confidence that it is not she who chooses him - but such subjects prey on her - hearing very well from her some phrases that indicate that she is ready for ANYTHING, just to enter someone else’s family as a heavenly paradise. Even if this next biggie from the family has one mother and a second cousin (often made up), she still sees a large, friendly, reliable family. And this family may even be drunkards, but she doesn’t see that either: she looks, but doesn’t perceive. The mind is overshadowed by the unconscious desire to change her family at any cost. And then she suffers and suffers, being sure that heaven has rejected her again. Usually these girls say: “I remember his retreating back - that’s all - the end of my life, I’m not suitable for them.” This is the key phrase of the shifter and the shifter himself - this is her phrase about her family - “You are not suitable for me.” Even if she is not looking for a family, but looking for the man of her dreams, but unconsciously there is a dislike for her father in her and therefore his rejection, and there will always be something to reject: for example, her hard-working, silent, compliant, caring, reliable father, whom she does not love precisely for these qualities and considers him “syrup, spineless and NOT a man at all.” It’s clear what men seem real to her. Whether such a woman can really love is a big question. The one who is able to love is the one who sees a real person, people, and loves them for reality, and not for the traits that he came up with, and when he didn’t find them (“I suddenly saw the light!”) - then hold on, the object of love, or better yet, immediately run - such a flurry of hatred will pour out that you will really believe that there is no monster worse than you in the world. So, the cyclical repetitions and pain from what happened are signs of an unconscious desire that will become a shapeshifter. Dear reader! Let's exchange opinions on this matter. Contact me for help not only if you want to solve your problem, but also if you want a higher quality of your life, to achieve greater success in all areas of life. Make an appointment by phone +79119887123, SMS,.
