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From the author: Questionnaire of the Master of Mistakes will help you understand whether you need the course “10 mistakes and ways to overcome them using cognitive therapy methods.” Questionnaire of the Master of Mistakes. Instructions: You should rate your reaction to the statements listed below on a scale from 0 to 4 points. When choosing a rating, it is meant that: 0 points means: never under any circumstances does this statement apply to me; 1 point means: the statement applies to me only in the most extreme cases; 2 points: sometimes this statement applies to me; 3 points: this statement applies to me very often; 4 points means: this statement applies to me in most cases. Questionnaire. Answer the following questions by indicating the required number points. I react strongly to even the smallest problems. I am reproached for making mountains out of molehills. I easily get excited. I shouldn’t even try, nothing will work anyway. I know in advance that everything will be bad. I can definitely tell what others are thinking. My loved ones should know what I want. You can always tell what a person is thinking by observing his gestures and facial expressions. I believe that when people spend a lot of time together, they tune into each other's thoughts. I get upset because -for what I think another person thinks, and then it turns out that I was wrong. I am responsible for making sure that the people I love are happy. If something doesn’t work out, I feel like it’s my fault .I am criticized more often than other people. I can always tell when a person is attacking me, even if he does not mention my name. I feel that I am unfairly blamed for things that are beyond my control. Because of my arrogance, I I find myself in unpleasant situations. My self-confidence pushes people away from me. I am sure that a person who has achieved success in one area can be equally successful in another. Others are to blame for my mistakes. Having achieved success, you can rest and maintain the level achieved due to the force of inertia. People consciously touch upon precisely those areas in which I am especially sensitive to criticism. Regarding criticism, I have a sixth sense. I always guess when people are talking about me. Negative comments really hurt me, sometimes I get depressed. I only hear negative comments and don't notice praise. I believe all comments are worth the same, they have the same price. I get upset , if I fail to complete things. If they say about me that I am “like everyone else” or “one of many,” I feel insulted. I would rather do nothing than take on work that is beneath my dignity. For me, it is very It is important that people perceive me as a person who does not deviate one iota from the standards of perfection. Even the smallest mistake can ruin my whole day or even my life. Compared to others, I am a failure. I have a strong spirit of comparison. I get upset when I hear about the success of others people. I get discouraged because I'm not where I should be. It seems to me that if you want to succeed, you have to constantly compare yourself with others. The world, you know, is a very dangerous place. If you don't want to get into trouble, be careful in words and deeds. I don’t like to take advantage of opportunities. I missed a good opportunity because I was afraid to take a risk. I avoid taking action for fear of injury or failure. I feel guilty because I should have done something in the past, but didn’t do it. I believe that we should live by the rules. Looking back at my life, I see more failures than successes. I am pressured by the need to do the right thing. I am depressed by the need to get everything done. I don’t care about the opinions of others. People reproach me is that I do not know how to listen. When I am asked to do something, I bristle. I believe that everything should be done my way or not done at all. I tend to put off even very important things and am very slow. Evaluating the results of the questionnaire . Look at what numbers youput down. If the numbers are mostly 0 and 1, then you have very few problems, which means you don’t need to take the training “10 mistakes and ways to overcome them using cognitive therapy methods.” If you have numbers of 2 points or higher, then this training will help You can avoid these mistakes in the future https://www.b17.ru/training.php?id=1931. Let's try to determine which thinking errors are characteristic of you. If you have from 2 to 4 in questions: 1-5, then You are making a mistake like “Chicken Little Syndrome”; 6-10, then “Mind Reading”; 11-15, then “a tendency to take everything personally”; 16-20, then “trusting your press secretary”; 21-25 , then “trust in critics”;26-30, then “maximalism”;31-35, then “painful comparison”;36-40, then “what if...”;41-45, then “you must!”;46 -50, then “yes, but...”1. Little chicken syndrome. There is such a children's fairy tale. A nut fell from a tree on the little chicken and hit him on the head, but the chicken thought that the vault of heaven had fallen on him. In a similar way, people often come to completely catastrophic conclusions without giving themselves the trouble to think for even a minute. Fear plunges a person into a state of mental and mental paralysis.2. Mind reading. One of the most carefully cherished illusions is that we are confident in our ability to read other people's thoughts and in the ability of those around us to navigate the tablets of our soul. “I won’t tell him anything, he must figure it out himself.” - a very common statement, invariably leading to deep disappointment when in the end it becomes clear that the person not only did not know what he supposedly had to do, but did not even suspect it. what you expected from him.3. The tendency to take everything personally. Many are ready to bear personal responsibility for absolutely everything that happens. They are responsible for someone’s bad mood, and for bad weather, and for an earthquake at the end of the world. Naturally, they have no choice but to get angry or upset.4. Trust your press secretary. This mistake lies in the sacred belief that a certain achievement in one area guarantees success in all other areas of life without the efforts that were once made for the first victory.5. Trust the critics. The error is the opposite of the previous one. It lies in the fact that you, without reasoning, accepted any criticism addressed to you on faith, without thinking about who was judging and whether it was really your fault.6. Maximalism. This quality means the pursuit of excellence in all areas. The thesis sounds simply wonderful: hardly anyone will argue with the fact that setting high standards is a good thing. But being demanding becomes inappropriate when your standards become so high that you can't even come close to meeting them. It is quite stupid to strive for one hundred percent perfection and get zero results.7. Painful comparison. Comparing and identifying contrasts is a worthy way to analyze differences. But people often suffer from the fact that they pay attention only to those who speak not in their favor, or when they blindly accept negative assessments of others.8. “What if...” Alarm! Anxiety!! Anxiety!!! This is what this type of thinking leads to. You are worried about something that does not exist at all or the probability of which is close to zero. Thus, the rationale for worrying about health and well-being is supplemented by empty worries that reduce the potential that you could use to confront real difficulties.9. "You must!" Must. An ordinary, everyday word, but not when it means a non-negotiable order. Otherwise, the most everyday word turns into a pointing finger, demanding: “Don’t dare deviate from the indicated path even by a hundredth of a millimeter - otherwise you will bitterly regret it!” You will be guilty, you will be ashamed!” People who often use the word “should” in relation to themselves build prison walls around themselves. They are so focused on what they should or should do.
