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From the author: No one denies the importance of television programs both for entertainment and for broadening the horizons of our children. Everything is good in moderation, including television programs. Excessive consumption of television programs is harmful to children. Excessive consumption of television programs is harmful to children. Spending his time in front of the TV screen, the child does not receive enough physical activity, suffers from a lack of physical activity, which directly affects the development of physical qualities, motor skills and abilities, and the development of mental cognitive processes. Children aged 4-5 years love watching action films, playing “ shooting games” and refuse to watch domestic cartoons and fairy tales, saying that they are not interested. Modern Western art changes and deforms the child’s psyche. Of course, first of all, we are talking about cartoons and computer games (for example, cartoons such as Pokemon, SpongeBob). Having a negative impact on the child’s imagination, they give new attitudes and behavior patterns. And the first thing I would like to note is the aggressiveness of the heroes. One can also trace a sufficient number of scenes of disrespectful, impunity towards people, animals, and plants. The “educational effect” of such cartoons will not be long in coming, and parents will be the first to feel it - in the form of aggressive statements, indecent gestures, rudeness and ruthlessness. In recent years, the number of children who can perceive only visual information has sharply increased, without perceiving verbal instructions. At school, “TV students” experience great difficulty in changing their usual visual perception to verbal (auditory) one. After all, they are taught not by television, but by a teacher whom they are not able to hear, and therefore understand. Children are designed in such a way that they learn the world best through games. Children's play is a historically emerging type of activity that consists in children reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them in a special conditional form. Play (as defined by A. N. Leontyev) is the leading activity of a preschool child, that is, an activity through which the most important changes occur in the child’s psyche and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development. Properly selected games in moderation are the best option for your child. After all, there are a lot of special games aimed at developing intelligence, memory, and motor skills. The most important thing is to set clear time frames. For a preschooler this is 25-30 minutes. After this time, overwork sets in, and the child loses the skills acquired during the game; after three hours at the monitor, deeper fatigue sets in, and after five, there is a serious threat of mental exhaustion. Obviously, not all games are useful. It is better to hide cruel games with elements of violence away from the eyes of a child. The fact is that children have difficulty distinguishing between real life and virtual life. Excessive passion for computer games leads to the fact that children stop fantasizing. They have difficulty summarizing and analyzing information, and some types of memory work worse. I would like to make a big request to parents. Today there is a wide selection of educational games for children of various age categories, you should not limit your child’s choice, just make sure that he did not give preference to games with elements of violence and cruelty.
