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The magical “right now” has conquered the vastness of the Internet in the era of breaking all the rules of the Russian language in order to increase the speed of online communication. It has a connotation of unconditional immediacy and thousands of semantic meanings from “I am right now” to “yeah, right now.” Why do different people have such different attitudes about what should be done or can be ignored? Who colors “right now”, and in what colors? It all depends on how the current desires and motives of the person right now are aligned with the intended action. Or on the degree of responsibility that a person now takes upon himself for its implementation. A familiar companion to “right now” is often an “excuse” (in Russian, an excuse), which helps to avoid performing an action on the basis of a fictitious or “far-fetched” one. force majeure circumstances. Some people simply demonstrate an unsurpassed talent for inventing “excuses.” Astonished recipients sometimes have no idea what relation the presented anti-arguments have to the situation. But the desire to “show off” and avoid responsibility can be stronger than the power of reason. Which of us has not found excuses in different situations - at work, in the family, in everyday life? This is an indispensable condition for survival (by the way, men are much more masterful at the art of excuses than women). If we “don’t do it”, “put it off” - this makes us vulnerable, guilty, and can cause a feeling of shame or “remorse.” And an excuse is a cure for internal self-criticism, an indulgence for conscience, evidence of a good person for others. On their own, everyone would like to, but circumstances, weather, actions/inactions of other people prevent them from realizing the necessary body movements or mental activity. Of course, this is not resistance to a request or demand, not laziness, not indifference or lack of skills. “Excuses” are part of the life of the human community, a way to cope with stress. This is elementary! Didn’t you call? - Phone discharged; got caught up in business; was “out of network coverage”; called, but there was no connection; accidentally wiped contact data; gave the phone to the child...Are you late? – The watch is broken; fell into a puddle near the house; traffic jam; took tests; mixed up the day; The water supply pipe leaked...Didn't follow the rules? – I’ve never heard of such a rule; did like everyone else; didn't know it was important; circumstances forced the rule to be broken; The rules are not made up by very smart people... Couldn't correct the mistake? – I didn’t notice any errors; these mistakes were not made by me; did not know that correcting errors was part of the job; There is no result without mistakes... Did you do the job poorly? - I always did this, there were no complaints; there is not as much intelligence as some; You can’t be on top all the time; felt unwell, but worked; warned from the very beginning that it would not work; the material is not of high quality; the task was not set correctly; They always pick on me...Did you cause damage? – This is the first experience; still very young; wanted what was best; I didn’t know that it was impossible; I’m just unlucky...Did I violate discipline, didn’t do my work? – Health is failing; seven children; alcoholic husband; the salary is small - why bother; without that he is busier than others; forced to work three jobs; if you wait, then some “fool” will do the work... People who know how to “excuse themselves”, as a rule, have good self-esteem and are insensitive to criticism; they wear armor on their sense of dignity. But the price to pay is lying to oneself and stagnation in development, moving “idling”. By avoiding defeat, a person loses control over his own life and the support of others, and is faced with a feeling of dissatisfaction and lack of recognition. Justifications, becoming a part of life, poison the subconscious and act as self-induced prophecies. A person does not even notice how he becomes a loser dependent on circumstances, a loser - he is afraid of failure and exposure, aggressively demands respect for himself, is skeptical and suspicious, conflicted, cynical and overly emotional. How to regain control of your life, self-respect,
