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On the days of the waning Moon, food is digested worse than usual, so you can pamper yourself with your favorite delicacies. If the Moon, by the force of its gravity, is able to set the seas and oceans in motion, then is it any wonder that it influences everything? living on Earth? And here are the most convincing examples: marine organisms, from mollusks to large fish, lay and fertilize eggs only during the full moon. And recent studies have confirmed that it is during this period that the number of violent robberies increases by one and a half times. The monthly lunar calendar begins with the fact that at about 3-4 nights our earthly satellite seems to “die” - we do not see it in the sky. At this phase, the influence of the Moon on our bodies is extremely great, although it seems non-existent. It is on dark, moonless nights and days between them that our bodies are most capable of cleansing themselves of everything bad - starting from toxic substances, which are now called toxins, and ending with such bad habits as smoking and drinking. This dark period is very convenient for starting therapeutic fasting or breaking off relations with a person who is unpleasant to you. Specialists in computer, television and video equipment claim that on the eve of the appearance of the lunar crescent in the sky, it is better not to repair this equipment. And then, finally, it appears in the sky a thin crescent of the Moon. On this day, our body is at the lowest point of vital activity. Our immunity is weakened, we may experience an inexplicable feeling of fear, depression, depression. The body, as it were, is freed from the burden accumulated over the previous lunar month and is preparing to start a new life. During the waxing Moon phase, it is advisable to carry out strengthening treatment. During this period, the effect of medications is enhanced, vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and iron, are absorbed more effectively. And in general, all health measures turn out to be more effective than in any other phase of the moon. The first lunar quarter is the best time to use vitamin creams, anti-wrinkle and moisturizing creams, massages and everything else that is good for the skin. However, not everything is so smooth: not only the effect of drugs is enhanced, but also any form of intoxication - from an insect bite to mushroom poisoning or spoiled products. In addition, the process of fat accumulation in the body occurs with greater intensity than in other periods, so you need to especially carefully monitor your own weight. In love, the waxing Moon is a time of hopes and promises; in business life, it is a period of constructive thoughts, new projects that promise good luck. As the Moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you need to be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of emotional perception of the world increases. When you know about the true cause of your unfavorable condition, it is much easier to cope with it. The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body’s energy continues to increase: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Life forces are gradually approaching their peak. You can start taking action. We succeed in a lot, as a rule, precisely during the days of this phase. There is already enough strength, it has not been wasted, fatigue has not yet set in, and a person is capable of much. The full moon is coming - the time to transition from accumulating strength to actively spending it. On this day, unspent energy may become unmanageable. Excess energy prevents you from falling asleep - it is during the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia. In the old days they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are worsening and the number of road accidents is increasing. People become more irritated and often make trouble for no reason at all. The number of suicides is increasing. On such days, it is important to know that imbalance, mental storms that push you to
