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Tomorrow is the first day of calendar spring. The celebration of spring is the symbolism of Maslenitsa. They burn an effigy on it and bake pancakes. Damn looks like the sun. So it’s time for something decrepit, old and outdated to sink into another world. Today I had a dream on the topic, about decrepit and old things. That I was at some event, and they said, in fact, we have a collection of costumes from the 17th century (I don’t even know why the 17th, and not some other, dreams they are). I woke up an hour earlier than the alarm clock, I didn’t want to go back to the 17th century, although it was hardly one of the most terrible. But, this is on the topic of decrepitness, the way back to the past is a regression. And it symbolically echoes the unnaturalness of the continuation of life for the dead, who have already become obsolete. All folklore evil spirits are the living dead, ghouls, drinking the blood of the living. If you look at it as symbolic, then it is the past that does not want to leave and takes life from the present. So, by spring it’s time to burn an effigy of the past, a kind of living dead, which is long overdue to leave. And a little about the sun. March is a sunny month, the sun is a symbol of rebirth and light. Just as there is a cycle in the year when the solar day wanes and abides, and now the abiding can be seen clearly. So in a day there is a cycle, sunset, midnight, sunrise, noon. After midnight, the darkness seems to decline (the middle of the night has passed, the trend has changed). And after noon, the light begins to decline. And it turns out that midnight is the apogee of darkness. Like the highest point of the Gaussian curve, after which there is a change in trend, and instead of staying values, there is a decrease. But at the very point there is the highest value, the apogee. Also, by analogy with midnight, noon, on the contrary, is the apogee of light. The annual apogee of light, the spring equinox, is also in March, in the second half. So, March comes out, the first month of spring, it’s like the top of the Gaussian curve, when the old, decrepit, winter and not alive, goes away. And the new, bright and living remains. In March you can catch two apogees of light - the equinox and noon. Even Maslenitsa is close, judging by the numbers. We can celebrate the renewal doubly. And here, even the fact that something blossoms later in our country provides additional metaphorical support. It’s already spring, according to the light (solar) cycles the apogee of the new and living, but we don’t quite notice it yet. Although we can enjoy the sun itself. And there is still snow around, and sometimes cold. Maybe the point is that the changes are not fully noticeable right away? They are there, but not fully visible. We sense changing trends, but we are not fully aware of them. What does not prevent all this from taking its course, towards something new (the unnatural life of the old, like winter, is not eternal).
