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From the author: Every year, October 1 is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day. This holiday was established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977. Each seeker has his own path. The first sign of a reasonable person is respect for the choices of other people. These are the two main points of this article. During consultations, I am often asked questions regarding yoga and vegetarianism, so this article will be answers to the most asked questions. Why do people choose vegetarianism? Of course, everyone will have their own motives, but conditionally it is possible distinguish two main groups - internal and external auxiliary motives. External motives include: The state of the human body does not allow a person to efficiently digest meat products, or when eating meat becomes dangerous to a person’s life and doctors recommend limiting its consumption or abandoning it altogether (hypertension , atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, acute and chronic kidney diseases, gout, uric acid diathesis, etc.) When a person makes a choice in favor of vegetarianism in order to meet some external requirements. For example, the desire to lose weight and meet the canons of slimness. For one of the reasons for obesity, according to doctors, is the variety of foods that trigger a race for taste pleasures, and it is certainly difficult to know the measure when you are in a race for tastes) which leads to overeating. and here it is just in time - vegetarianism is an option where “overeating does not threaten obesity.” They become vegetarians according to the requirements of a yoga trainer, who claims that vegetarianism is the basis of yoga. Well, or from a mentor on other spiritual practices. They make a choice in favor of vegetarianism under the external influence of close and significant people, in order to conform to them. Because now it is fashionable, in order to comply with fashion. This list can be continued, because there are a lot of external reasons. Internal motives can be conscious or unconscious. When a person consciously makes a choice in favor of vegetarianism, following changes in the body, which in turn are a consequence of changes in lifestyle, physical activity, etc. Such a renunciation of world-eating is the most natural. When a person embarks on the spiritual path of development, he himself comes to the conclusion that his further development involves the renunciation of meat. The fear of death can be classified as unconscious. Fear for one's own life (fear of being eaten) is also projected into the outside world, forming a stable feeling beyond the value of any individual life. The inability to give life and the inability to take life. Neither live nor die. This is anti-sex and anti-killing. Animals, like humans, are guided through life by their desires. In the case of humans, these desires are incomparably more complex and varied than the desires of animals. For the survival of the human species - the desire to eat one's neighbor, cannibalism, is inhibited by nature, by the psyche. Otherwise, people would simply kill each other, driven by this desire. Primitive man survived exclusively in a pack, i.e. not alone. The separation from the animal to the human level begins with a fundamental ban on cannibalism within the pack for the sake of preserving its integrity. This is one of the mechanisms for preserving the species. The ban on cannibalism does not primarily apply to hunting and war; there is no ban on killing and eating enemies outside the pack. It is worth noting that only a person is capable of rejoicing when another person feels bad - this is a manifestation of natural hostility, characteristic exclusively of people. The desire to use another person for one’s own selfish purposes is a kind of manifestation of sublimated cannibalism. Therefore, vegetarianism is often the tip of the iceberg of fear of death. which is so deep inside the consciousness that it is not possible to track it immediately. Yogi = vegetarian? The essence of yoga is not in giving up meat, but in knowing your Divine nature, learning to control your body and mind. Meat is the densest food, protein is food for the first Muladhara chakra, which is responsible for our" ))
