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From the author: Author of the article: Liliya Kopeichenko, practicing psychologist, body therapist, San Dao yoga trainer, tel. +38-050-530-74-48 Probably everyone knows the state of malaise , lack of strength, activity. We often begin to notice such symptoms around the age of 30. What kind of phenomenon is this? And why does this happen? It's simple. Until about the age of 30 (for each individual), a person is active, can dance all night long, and go to work in the morning and practically not feel tired. This is the period when a person lives on the so-called perinatal energy - acquired from birth. Over time, this energy runs out, a person’s activity decreases, and even depression, illness, premature aging and other “charms” may appear. These symptoms are caused by decreased energy levels. At the modern pace of life, with the impossibility of living in an ecologically clean environment and eating healthy food, a person does not have the opportunity to be healthy. This picture looks quite sad, but not everything is so bad. There is an affordable way to maintain health and improve physical and emotional well-being - this is the practice of San Dao. A unique system accessible to everyone and at any age. And its remarkableness lies in the principle of moderation and balance. It's good to have the opportunity to attend classes regularly. The pleasant changes that appear after the first lessons are the balancing of the psychological sphere and the improvement of the state of the muscular system. And then changes occur in the area of ​​interpersonal relationships. Practitioners report decreased irritability and greater acceptance and tolerance. And this is understandable, because by harmonizing the internal energy of the body, we influence the health of the physical body, perception, and reactions. Accordingly, we bring more awareness into our lives. As we know from recent scientific research, our muscular system sends certain signals to the brain. It would be a big misconception to think that only the brain is involved in thought processes. By working with the body and acquiring new bodily skills, we learn new ways of behavior, thinking, and perception. The practice of San Dao allows you to bring more awareness into your body and, accordingly, into your life. In addition to improving health, as a result of exercises, people begin to see, feel and hear things that they could not notice before. The practice of San Dao does not belong to any religious denomination. It is simply a practice for maintaining and strengthening a person, so San Dao can be practiced by people of any religion and an atheist too. San Dao is an ancient practice that combines aspects of Qigong yoga, and also has something third that is not in these two systems. San Dao is a practice for healing the body and spirit by improving the elasticity of tense muscles and joints, as well as giving strength to weakened muscles, and there is also the practice of working with energy. One type of such work is static poses with lower abdominal breathing, each of which works with a specific energy channel in the body, as well as increasing the overall energy level of the body. If energy flows smoothly and harmoniously, and in sufficient quantity, then there is no reason for illness. If an energy block appears, then a disease appears in the corresponding area of ​​the body. As a rule, the average person is accustomed to treating illness with medications. Yes, medications relieve unpleasant symptoms, but, unfortunately, they do not improve health. Restoring the natural flow and level of energy in the body is the most correct way to maintain and maintain health. With a sufficient level of energy in the body, the functioning of the endocrine and hormonal systems improves, which in turn improves the functioning of internal organs. Regular San Dao classes are conducted in Kharkov at the San Dao Center by qualified instructors trained in South Korea. Tel. +38-050-530-74-48
