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From the author: The questions were asked by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “In the City,” Mr. Korolev, Ekaterina Baklanova, and Zhanna Kurkova answered. July. 2010. You can read the continuation of the article: AnxietyIs anxiety a disease of the material world? In the spring of 1871, one young man came across a phrase in a book (only 21 words) that had a tremendous impact on his entire subsequent life. A medical student at a Montreal hospital was worried about his upcoming final exams and what lay ahead. The words he read helped him become a professor and head a department at Oxford, established by the English king; to establish the world famous medical institute named after. John Hopkins. His name is Sir William Osler. This phrase from Thomas Carmel goes like this: “Our main business is not to look at what lies in the foggy haze at a distance, but to do what lies immediately at hand.” In other words, to avoid anxiety, one must: “live in the “compartment” of today.” In the 1950s, a laboratory experiment was conducted in the United States with rhesus monkeys, which became a classic example in the field of behavioral studies. Eight monkeys were divided into pairs. Each pair received periodic electric shocks, but one of the monkeys in each pair had the opportunity - when the light bulb came on - to relieve itself of the discomfort by reducing the intensity of the current. The second macaque in the pair did not have this opportunity. The shocks were applied continuously for several weeks. Four of the eight monkeys suffered stomach lesions and ulcers and died. The rest were fine. Which monkeys got sick? The answer may surprise you. Those four monkeys who could reduce the strength of the current fell ill and died. Why? They were worried whether they would be able to avoid pain! Many people, from an early age, contract a contagious and extremely dangerous disease that causes incredible suffering - the power of the disease is so great that thousands and thousands of people are ready to give up their lives because of it, but do not try to find a way to recover. This terrible disease is anxiety. What is it and how does it affect us? Psychologist Zhanna Kurkova shares her thoughts on this topic. What is anxiety? Is it possible to divide anxiety into different groups: parental, due to work, due to deviations in the usual routine, due to lack of time, global disasters... You correctly said that anxiety is a disease. Illness from unwillingness to know oneself. The initial task of every person is to know himself and learn to manage the processes in his body. If a person does not know who HE is, what parts HE consists of, how the apparatus of the parts of his body work, how to control them, then the person is controlled by all and sundry. Anxiety occurs in the mind at the level of the mental body. First thoughts appear, then words. In essence, a person’s thoughts are his internal conversation. He thinks in words. Anxiety, on the one hand, is anxiety, excitement. From an etymological point of view, the word “worry” comes from un- (without-) + peace. “Rest” has a similar meaning in different languages ​​– peace, rest, sleep, room. That is, “restlessness” means that someone or something is not at peace. But at the moment, reading this word from a logical point of view does not interest me. The human intellect of the entire past race (until 2000) was controlled by Mr. Lucifer. Today, only a few people have adjusted to a new era and a new race. Remaining in their old positions in life, people continue to “cooperate” with Lucifer, feeding him with their vital energy and thus serving all of his brethren. From here, we have the honor of observing the deep true essence of many words, phrases and expressions and sometimes the absurd application of them. It is very important for us to look at the essence of the word itself and the conditions that it attracts. And for this you need to rise a little above the mental presence - to consciousness, which expresses light and essence. Therefore, for those who rely only on logic and who find it difficult to move from their old dogmas and teachings, I suggest that you do not worry when reading thistext. I suggest you close this page and, keeping peace in your soul, go watch another non-intrusive series. And for those who are interested in the presentation of this topic from the point of view of the philosophy of Russian cosmism, I invite you to this interesting journey of understanding this word and the meaning that it expresses. People worry about children, work, lack of time, global disasters. All of the above aspects are very important and vital. But what happens when a person worries? "The demon is at rest." The mother is worried about her child - she simply moves the phantom of the demon’s essence onto her child... And the child, by the grace of the mother, is used as a donor of his life energy. Why do you think children often get so annoyed with their mothers? How should they behave from such “maternal care”? The same thing happens when a person gives birth to negative thoughts on any topic. With his thoughts, he creates chaos around himself and those he thinks about. What are the most common causes of anxiety? Ignorance, laziness, stupidity, inability to determine priorities for oneself, incorrect values ​​and attitudes in one’s life. A person does not know who he is and what he wants most. Doesn't know how to take responsibility for his life. This is what causes all the troubles. Man is given enormous opportunities; he is created in the Image and Likeness of the Father. The tools are given - knowledge. Go and do it. All secret knowledge is open to everyone today. Life on Earth is the most creative. The spirit, incarnating only in the human body, can evolve and develop. The task of every person is to create, following the call of the heart. How to stop worrying about a variety of reasons? To do this, it is enough to at least get to know yourself. Find out who I am - a person? How am I made? What parts and devices do I have, what are they for, and how to operate them? When purchasing any item, we always see instructions attached to it describing how it is designed and how it works. So why such a frivolous and dismissive attitude towards your own life? Why doesn’t a person want to study the “instructions” for his device and manage the conditions of his life? A person is made up of many parts, the physical body is just one part. The physical body is controlled by higher subtle bodies. In turn, each body consists of apparatus. Knowing how the apparatus of human parts works, a person begins to control them, and therefore his life. Thoughts are controlled by the mental body. All thoughts and words reveal the inner contexts of a person, his essence. When a person is not confident in himself, he is not confident in others. When he does something that is not to his heart, he is afraid that it will not turn out the way he wants. Then he starts to worry. But a person can only think about someone what he has in himself! There are no difficult situations in life, no bad people, no naughty children, no bad government and bosses, no harmful relatives. There is only the person himself and everything that surrounds him is his mirror. Everything that a person attracts to himself is himself. Everything he thinks about others is what he thinks about himself. There is no other way. This is the law of life. A person, thinking, speaking, acting, emanates, radiates his essence from the inside out, creating a certain field around himself. The Word of the Father consists of fire, spirit, light, energy, fire image, form, content. And the synthesis of all this creates a field around a person. A person is controlled by the WORD that he pronounces. Similar fields of different people create a certain sphere - the Globe, which creates similar living conditions. From this Globe come to man the conditions of life similar to his thoughts and expressions. Like attracts like. By worrying, a person makes what he fears stronger. Life energy follows words and thoughts. I am sure that as soon as a person realizes this process, he will stop being led by the negative. Only man directly receives the Fire of Life from the Father (in religion it is called a spark of divine fire). This Fire is intended to create better things and move forward. Around/5-11-190-365
