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Probably everyone has heard the phrase: “We come from childhood,” but few people realize the truth of these words. Every adult has a past, or rather childhood, which is the basis for the formation of an adult’s personality. Childhood traumas have a special influence on the formation of a child. Childhood psychological traumas are negative events that are perceived by the child as very important. Such events cause emotional experiences that are embedded in the subconscious of children, and remind them of themselves in adulthood. Causes of childhood traumas Illnesses of loved ones or their loss; Divorce or conflicts of parents; Overprotection; Cold or alienated relationships in the family; Material and everyday insolvency. Very often, people do not blame childhood traumas for their failures and troubles, and many do not suspect their presence in their consciousness. Most people who seek psychological help do not associate their problems with the “echo of childhood.” But in fact, these are the reasons. Unfortunately, the most common problem is a lack of trust and insufficient emotionality on the part of the mother. The deficiency of these components can be latent and be behind the screen of family well-being. Often such parents themselves suffer from childhood traumas, so they cannot convey all the sensuality and warmth of parental love. “Life script” Psychologist Eric Berne put forward the theory of “life scripts.” According to this theory, the future of each person is written at the age of seven. These scenarios are a life plan that is formed in childhood, based on various events, which is laid down in the unconscious. Every time a person begins to solve his problems, he involuntarily takes on problems their ancestors, and not even a single generation. Of course, he does not copy their life scenario, but the vector is absolutely the same. A kind of “psychological memory”. This occurs due to the fact that in childhood the child is taught rules of life that are not written down anywhere and are not true. An installation or directive is not a clearly expressed order, provided by words or actions, the failure of which will entail punishment. Moreover, the punishment may not be obvious, such as swearing or a slap on the head, but indirect - the emergence of a feeling of guilt. After which, the child acquires a feeling of his own insignificance and ceases to be himself. In adulthood, they face internal conflict. Types of attitudes: “Don’t live.” It happens that in a conversation with children or friends, a child can find out how many difficulties he brought into the family with his appearance. “Don’t trust yourself.” Parents feed and clothe their children, decide on a school, participate in choosing a profession, sometimes even contribute to determining their circle of friends, and respond to the child’s personal opinion: “We are adults, we know better.” This devalues ​​children's experiences and suppresses their self-confidence. "Be an adult." This pattern is quickly being applied by parents to their children. Without thinking that they are still children and their spontaneity shapes their personality. Later, the child begins to feel embarrassed to enjoy those things that bring him happiness. Because as a child, his joy was curbed: “Don’t feel it.” This is typical for those people whose parents are very reserved and do not show strong feelings and emotions. “Be an excellent student.” Parents demand their child to be the best. However, it is impossible to be the best. When setting such an attitude to your children, it is important to understand that they will never find happiness because they will chase perfection. “You can’t trust anyone but me!” The child develops the understanding that everyone around him is an enemy. In his eyes, the world is becoming deceitful, and in order to survive in it, you need to become the same. “You can’t.” Constant prohibitions develop self-doubt and the inability to make decisions independently. Such adults are afraid to start new things. Due to childhood trauma, social development slows down. Typically, such people face difficulties in their careers and personal lives. When raising children, it is important to remember that every: 8-918-253-73-83
