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From the author: Every person, at least once in his life, asked himself the question about the meaning of life, mission and his purpose. In fact, the highest meaning of human life is a single whole of the realization of mission and purpose. All that remains is to figure out what is the difference between mission and purpose. “How to find your purpose in life?” Every person, at least once in his life, asked himself the question about the meaning of life, mission and his purpose. In fact, the highest meaning of human life is a single whole of the realization of mission and purpose. All that remains is to figure out what is the difference between mission and purpose. First of all, a person, based on his life values, determines his personal purpose, which coincides with his internal needs and real opportunities to realize them. And then he manifests his calling and fulfills a mission for other people. The more correctly a personal purpose is defined, the more harmoniously the mission will be realized, and the person will feel in his place, walking through life along the right path. If we consider mission as the main goal in life, then honest answers to the following questions can serve as a diagram for determining your purpose: Who am I? (by what vital personal values ​​do I live). What kind of family do I live in? (what family values ​​are my priority). What is the world like around me? (my social environment, my ability to cope with stereotypes of perception of values ​​in society). Also, no one hides the fact that the family has its own specific sphere of influence on the further determination of a person in life. And if you are already parents, or are just going to become one, then remember that you can give your child a million reasons why he should choose this is the purpose in life. But only children also have a thousand and one reasons, according to their life values, to determine the main mission - the manifestation of their personality and finding their own meaning in life. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the possibility that the desired and actual options do not coincide. Someone continues the family dynasty, for example, when choosing a profession, while realizing their own mission better than their ancestors. And someone will take a completely new path in search of the main goal of their life. Lack of awareness and concentration of attention to one’s true purpose, that is, living according to the principle “like everyone else,” leads a person to despondency and the conclusion that it is impossible for oneself to be happy. Every person can change his life at any period of his life and, having overestimated his inner state, take personal responsibility: concentrate on the benefits of every day he lives, joy and inspiration for the future. To identify their calling in life, people use various tests that reveal hidden talents, a list of social roles and prestigious professions. But after this, nothing changes in their lives, since many want to immediately see the end result, forgetting about daily self-development and overcoming their own fears. Whatever social role you choose, your idea of ​​realizing yourself as an individual should have a step-by-step sequence when answering the questions: “What can you improve in yourself?” and “How can you change the world around you?”, taking into account your personal interests, skills, abilities, and character traits. Believing in your uniqueness will also help you get rid of the illusions of comparing yourself with other idols, if you have clearly defined your unique path, which differs from ready-made templates and life scenarios. Sometimes defining the main goal is easier than following it consistently. Therefore, it is important at certain periods to rethink your life, change your views on the surrounding reality and look for new solutions to change your life for the better. For most people, realizing oneself in only one profession does not mean gaining!
