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In order to expand the practical knowledge and skills of educational psychologists in the use of modern methods and art techniques in working with the teaching staff to prevent burnout syndrome, I propose to consider and further use the “Magic Vessel” technique. The technology is interesting and completely captivating. Working in this technique takes a lot of time and is basic. Particularly suitable for female teams, because the glass vessel symbolizes the feminine principle. They work with the vessel - they work with themselves. Has a diagnostic function. Materials: multi-colored acrylic paints, medium-hard brushes, sippy cups, glass bottles with lids, colored paper, napkins, scissors, PVA glue, pieces of fabric, pencils, decorative material (sequins, beads, figurines, ribbons, knitting threads, etc.) etc.), grain crops, pasta of various shapes, a tape recorder with a recording of calm music, a camera. Description of the “Magic Vessel” technique Goal: relieving emotional and muscle tension, accumulating mental resources, increasing personal autonomy, self-realization, developing creative imagination. First, participants are asked to choose a glass bottle and paint it with acrylic paints (I used regular indoor acrylic paint and dyes) while listening to music. The paint dries quite quickly. Next, the glass vessel is decorated with a variety of materials at the request of the participants. Decor is easily glued to acrylic paint using PVA glue. After this, it is necessary to fill the glass vessel - “breathe life”: with the meanings of life, desires, aspirations, positive emotions, resources in general. Filling occurs through filling the vessel itself with the help of grain crops, pasta, various images cut out by participants from colored paper - whatever your imagination allows. During the process of filling the vessel, participants mentally pronounce their resources. The more filled the vessel, the better. The container is screwed on with a lid. The lid itself is also decorated in color and individual style if desired. The vessel can be supplemented and modified in the future, i.e. transform. After the work is completed, there is a reflection (discussion, summing up) and an exhibition-presentation of “magic vessels” with a photo session. 1.5-2 hours are allotted for the technique. And this is how beautiful it turns out )))
