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We have already written about movement and cognition of the world around us and that everything that surrounds us affects our senses. For example, stress affects muscle tone, or if the balance in the “body-intelligence” system is disturbed, then the actions and actions of the individual become unreasonable. Based on the article “First-grader as a new status for a preschooler,” we can say that the adaptation period of children in the first grade depends on the perception of the world formed in older preschoolers. How to help a child adapt to the first grade with the least emotional and physical costs? In bodily practices it is considered that repeatedly repeated movements contribute to the strength of mastering the skill of muscle movement. Integrated exercises from educational kinesiology, when repeated many times, activate both hemispheres of the brain, this helps restore the balance of the body-intellect system. Integrated exercises coordinate brain function and motor activity, so the balance of the body-intelligence system is restored. Long-term implementation of “Brain Gymnastics” develops in a child the ability to easily learn new things, he begins to feel free, and is well oriented in space. The body is freed from tension, communication skills are improved. For a smoother transition from the status of a preschooler to the status of a schoolchild, we suggest parents perform “Brain Gymnastics” with their baby. To do this, the child needs to be shown the exercises and explained why to do them. A good option to do with him is to allocate 3-5 minutes for this in the morning and 1 minute before bed. At first glance, the simple exercises of the “Brain Gymnastics” complex seem to be easily accepted by the child, but this is not entirely true. A child whose body is imbalanced may refuse to do one or more exercises. This will be a signal to parents that your child is not comfortable at the level of the body-intellect system. We need to help the child overcome this; sometimes we offer, as an example, to perform this gymnastics with the whole family. Why does a child refuse to do simple “Brain Gymnastics” exercises, about this and much more in our next articles.
