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Bullying is constant intentional negative actions aimed at the same child by another child or group of children. Any child can become a victim of school bullying, regardless of the level of development, family well-being and parental care. It is important to understand that not every child will be able to share their problems with their parents. The older the child, the less likely he is to tell adults about what is happening. The reasons for its occurrence are that most often children are bullied because they are unable to independently fight back against bullies. The victims of bullying are often children who are very different from others, children who have good academic performance, bright and unusual appearance, reserved and shy children, as well as children with weak physical shape. But aggressors often become children who experience attention deficit, try to hide their own and family problems, self-doubt, offending and insulting other children, trying to take the initiative into their own hands so as not to become a victim of aggression themselves. In a situation of bullying, the child is not capable can cope on his own, he needs the protection and support of parents and adults. You should not wait for a solution to a problem from school teachers when a child expects protection from his parents. It is important to explain to the child that he is not to blame and anyone can become a victim of bullying, and even he is not the only one who can be bullied. Suggest that the child contact a psychologist, he will help to understand the causes of bullying, find ways out of it, and also provide support and find together as a child, ways to avoid becoming a victim of bullying again. Specific recommendations: Support and reassure your teenager so that he does not feel alone, trusts you and can ask for help at any time. Help your child become more self-confident and learn to resist the attacks of others. Communicate regularly with class teacher, take an interest in the child’s behavior. If the conflict is serious and cannot be resolved peacefully, consider transferring the child to another school. It is important that adults do not ignore cases of bullying, even if the aggression is not directed at their children.
