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Since I have recently begun to write more often, I noticed one trend that I wanted to share with readers. On b17, it’s rare that a post remains completely without comments. The community reads, likes, comments, expresses gratitude or opinions, asks questions, shares similar experiences or thoughts. What motivates a reader to leave a comment? Some of my early thoughts on this topic are summarized here. Expressing gratitude and appreciation to the author is one option. As a rule, these are regular readers who thus leave feedback to the author. More meaningful comments arise for other reasons, I think. After all, you can just read the article, say thank you and move on. Whatever the motives of the commentator, he does not react to all the articles he reads. Some are simply skimmed and closed, others are read for a long time and thoughtfully, but also not commented on. But on others, a comment is written and an opinion is expressed. And here I see 2 motivating factors: A person reacts to what is consonant with his mood, experience, feelings, thoughts, values, etc. The article encourages him to make a response and share this consonance. A person, on the contrary, is somehow affected by the information presented in the article. He disagrees with the author in some way, or the text affects certain pain points, current unresolved problems. Not every person can look at himself absolutely objectively, evaluate his behavior adequately to the situation and understand the motives for his actions. Perhaps the article being commented on presents information in a completely different light than he would like, not in the way he sees and understands it. In this regard, negative comments are often written. But this does not mean that the author is wrong or the reader’s opinion is incorrect. There is no clear solution here. You can play with words. Everyone understands many concepts, qualities, values, etc. in their own way and interprets them in their own way. And if we are in tune with this, good; if not, we look for our authors, our audience, or declare our opinion. The main thing is to learn to interact correctly and tolerantly. You can argue and disagree, but do it consciously and respectfully. Dear readers, please share what motivates you to write comments?
