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"I'm afraid to turn to a psychologist, in case they misunderstand me" We often experience stress, anxiety, negative emotions, it happens that we cannot understand relationships with loved ones people. How can we help ourselves? Going to psychological counseling is one option. But we do not dare to take this step due to social disapproval and misunderstanding by society, our attitudes and fears. Let's try to figure out why there is a fear of going to a psychologist? A small teaser: you are not alone, most people are afraid to go to a professional psychologist. So, the most common to this day, point one (1): “Am I crazy? They'll send me to a mental hospital. Only inadequate, abnormal people go to a psychologist.” Are you familiar? Answer: People with mental illnesses and mental disorders are referred to specialized doctors - psychiatrists. The main difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist: a psychologist works with healthy people, helps with resolving conflict issues, adaptation in society, in a difficult life situation, with restoring a stable emotional state, with interpersonal relationships, while a psychiatrist works with people who have psychopathologies, drug addiction problems , works with the entire range of mental disorders: depression, neuroses, schizophrenia, mental retardation, dementia, etc. When it is necessary to see a psychiatrist, unfortunately, he understands the environment. Sick people do not understand, because they lose their criticality, due to the absence of which, the medical commission recognizes patients as falling outside the mental norm. Let’s go further, point two (2): “If someone finds out that I work with a psychologist, they will not understand me and will condemn me "Answer: Consultations with a psychologist in the modern world are as normal as oral hygiene, ordering legal documents, or a planned trip to the hairdresser. Only in the first case, do you take care of your mental hygiene. And on the issue of confidentiality: here every professional psychologist will tell you that he is obliged to comply with the Code of Ethics of a Psychologist. The ethical code of a psychologist of the Russian Psychological Society was drawn up in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, the Charter of the Russian Psychological Society, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association “Ethical principles for conducting medical research involving humans as research subjects,” the international Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists, the Ethical Metacode of the European Federation of Psychological Associations. Final part, paragraph three (3): “I will spend the money on some brain-powerful activities. I’ll waste my money in vain” Answer: Friends, it’s worth thinking about, what and how much is your well-being, your harmonious and conscious life worth? Let's try to skip all the financial costs of countless packs of cigarettes and Friday “anti-stress” binges. And let’s try to put the vector of thought in the position of “the best investments are investments in yourself.” Think about how you could spend your personal time productively, and not give up your valuable hours on worries and unresolved psychological problems, how you could enjoy a trip on vacation, and not take on additional project work in order to drown yourself in papers and just not think about your feelings, how you could enjoy your life right now, freely meet people, compliment yourself and others, communicate with understanding towards yourself and your loved ones, and not get tired of personal powerlessness and hopelessness. Going to a psychologist to be happy is Is it worth it? Make an appointment: Psychological shop / Psychologist / Omsk
