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In the previous article “Are you usually looking for a reason or a way out of a difficult situation?” You and I, dear reader, found out that in difficult life situations and when your health worsens or even the onset of illness, you strive not to waste time and energy looking for reasons, but immediately you are starting to look for a way out of the current situation. 👉 You are definitely not very interested in the causes of the problem, you need a way to overcome it? 👉 Have you already realized that looking for a reason or a way out (an explanation or a method) are not just two theoretical approaches, these are two different ways. live. In accordance with our general approach to solving life’s difficulties, I offer you a method of self-regulation that can quickly provide effects:✔️ a calming effect by eliminating emotional stress;✔️ a restoration effect, which means eliminating the manifestations of fatigue;✔️ an activation effect, that is increasing psychophysiological activity.👉 Moreover, this magical technique, which I myself love very much for its effective power, can do much more! She can:✔️ cope with any overload,✔️ quickly soothe any pain (both physical and mental),✔️ gives high speed to the healing process. Well, now it’s time for you to master this technique! 👉 The technique is called “SQUARE BREATHING” or “4 x 4 x 4 x 4 Breathing”. Take a comfortable position while standing or sitting. You can close your eyes, or you can not close them... Inhale while counting to yourself: “one, two, three, four.” Hold your breath while counting to yourself: “one, two, three, four.” Then exhale, while counting to yourself: “one, two, three, four.” After this, hold your breath while counting to yourself: “one, two, three, four.” It’s simple: inhale, exhale and pause of the same duration: one, two, three, four. To get a visual effect, you should breathe in this rhythm for 4 minutes. You can see the result already from the first try. The moment of maximum high psychophysical tone - the peak of activity occurs approximately 20-30 minutes after performing the exercise. The moment of decline in psychophysical activity is usually recorded 2.5-3 hours after the peak of activity appears .👉 Trust, but verify. To believe in something, you need to check it. Right?👉 Conclusion: everything is in your hands. Good luck! And be healthy! You might be interested in a selection of articles on the topic “Useful things about our psychological health.” Thank you for visiting! Check back often! I hope and look forward to meeting you again! Signing up for my consultation is easy: write a message by phone 89170252242 (Whatsapp, Telegram) or sign up here on the B17 website. © Sincerely, psychologist Natalia Fomina, 2022. All rights reserved.
