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From the author: Inspired by people's thoughts about suicide...My answer to the topic of Spiritual immunity! Dear readers! I am sure that each of us at least once in our lives has asked the questions: WHAT DOES A PERSON LIVE FOR? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? This question comes up from time to time in my advisory practice. Most often they are asked by people inclined to a philosophical worldview. They are the ones who live through the spiritual crisis more clearly - the CRISIS OF FAITH! Susceptibility to unbelief is also characteristic of sensitive people with a “kind heart.” The method of complex fairy tale therapy contains an interesting decoding of these processes. The Philosopher archetype (male energy) gives a person the impulse to think about his own coordinate system, pushes him to search for his own worldview, different from generally accepted stereotypes. This is the path of ups and downs, faith and unbelief, the value of being and the meaninglessness of life. “Kind Heart” - “Cold Heart” is a universal archetype. He describes the natural processes of revival and death of sincerity of feelings. If evil penetrates a person’s heart, then it becomes incapable of love. These are such fairy tales as “The Snow Queen” by H.H. Andersen (a piece of ice in Kai’s heart), “Frozen” by V. Hauff (the sold heart of Peter Munch), “Tim Thaler or Sold Laughter” by D. Crews (a deal with a stranger - exchanging laughter for money). If the heroes valued their lives and knew about the dangers of dealing with evil and cynicism, they could have come to their senses sooner. But a fairy tale is a fairy tale, and life is so similar to it... Let's return to thinking about Vera. What is it?.. Why is it necessary?.. What does it give a person?.. How to strengthen it?.. Faith, in my opinion, is a “light bulb” inside a person, his inner light. Remember how in childhood, when it was dark and scary, a night light, a flashlight, a lamp would light up. Light comes with the first roosters. As a rule, the day dispels our worries, while the night intensifies them. But this doesn't always happen. The cycles of internal “day” and “night” do not change when the Inner Light goes out inside a person, when he ceases to support Faith within himself. It is as if a person turns off the “light bulb” when he gets tired of fighting, looking for ways out, asking for help. But it also happens that during a period of severe upheaval, the “light bulb” burns out on its own. And then the Inner Light goes out, and darkness sets in... At these very moments, a person’s era of Faith is replaced by the era of Unbelief. The most terrible period of life begins - darkness. It is at this time, as a rule, that one’s past experience is devalued, a person’s spiritual immunity weakens, which leads to serious consequences - illness, apathy, suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue, freezing and complete inaction. A person gets bogged down in his own fears... There are many examples in literature illustrating the process of the onset of inner darkness. I will dwell in more detail on two of them - the Ukrainian legend retold by N.V. Gogol in the story “Viy” (the plot of loss), and “The Stolen Sun” by K.I. Chukovsky (the plot of victory). N.V. Gogol described the process of the internal defeat of a person, mind you - precisely the philosopher! And I tried to do it as close as possible to the popular imagination. Its main character loses in a confrontation with evil spirits. He sadly surrenders to his own fears, dying just before dawn, when victory was so close! For greater clarity, let me quote the author’s specific words: “The last remnant of hops left Khoma’s head. He just crossed himself and read random prayers. And at the same time he heard how evil spirits rushed around him, almost catching him with the ends of their wings and disgusting tails. He didn’t have the courage to see them... Everyone looked at him, searched and could not see him, surrounded by a mysterious circle.*** - Lift my eyelids: I don’t see! - Viy said in an underground voice - and the whole host rushed to lift his eyelids. “Don’t look!” - some inner voice whispered to the philosopher. He couldn’t bear it and looked. - Here he is! - Viy shouted and pointed an iron finger at him. And everything, no matter how much it was, rushed at the philosopher. Lifeless burst outhe fell to the ground, and the spirit immediately flew out of him out of fear. *** When rumors about this reached Kiev and the theologian Khalyava finally heard about such a fate for the philosopher Khoma, he indulged in thought for a whole hour. ***— Khoma was a glorious man! - said the bell-ringer when the lame tavern placed the third mug in front of him. - He was a noble man! And he disappeared for no reason. “And I know why he disappeared: because he was afraid.” And if he were not afraid, then the witch could not do anything with him. You just need to cross yourself and spit on her very tail, then nothing will happen. I already know all this. After all, in Kyiv, all the women who sit at the market are all witches.” K.I. Chukovsky described in detail the process of the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Remember these lines: *** “Woe! Woe! The crocodile swallowed the Sun in the sky!” This happens when a person doubts his Faith. The protection of his spiritual immunity weakens and internal enemies, his dormant fears, capture the source of unquenchable light. What follows is a logical continuation: Darkness has come, Don’t go beyond the gate: Whoever gets on the street gets lost and disappears. As a rule, people around them begin to sound the alarm, the inner savior signals the need to awaken from fears. It looks like this: Early, early Two rams knocked on the gate: Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta! “Hey, you animals, come out, defeat the Crocodile, so that the greedy Crocodile will turn the Sun into the sky!” Then the internal struggle begins. The power of faith went out (Faith is the Sun), and with it the power of life went away. Fears have completely taken over a person’s gut. But the furry ones are afraid: “Where can we fight with this one! The only one who can cope is the Will of man (in the fairy tale, Will is the Bear). But, during the period of Unbelief, she is lazy and cries: And they run to the Bear in the den: “Come out, Bear, to help. That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck. We have to go save the sun!” An intuitive search for salvation occurs within a person. But inside it’s too dark and scary: And in the swamp the Bear is prowling, looking for cubs under the snags: ***Only black owls from the thicket stare at her. Next comes the process of shaking up - people around you begin to shame you for your ungrateful attitude towards life, and your inner conscience also haunts you. To save yourself, to regain faith, you need to fight. It's time to awaken the Will! Then the hare came out and said to the Bear: “It’s a shame for an old man to roar - You are not a hare, but a Bear. Go ahead, clubfoot, scratch the crocodile, tear it into pieces, tear the sun out of its mouth. And when it shines in the sky again, your furry little ones, your thick-footed bear cubs, will come running to the house: “Hello, grandfather, we’re here!” So the outcome is clear - the effort of Will is capable of defeating inner darkness, all human systems are waiting for help. The will awakens, but it never wins. Here it is important to be patient and persistent; the willingness to resist does not mature in one day! For some time there has been a confrontation between Faith and Unbelief: And the Bear stood up, the Bear growled, and the Bear ran to the Big River. ***The Bear approached quietly, Pushed him lightly: “I tell you, villain, Spit out the sun as soon as possible!” ***But the shameless one laughs So that the tree shakes: ***The Bear could not stand it, The Bear roared, And the Bear flew at the evil enemy. ***Already he crushed it and broke it: “Give us our sun here!” This is what the process of victory and revival of Faith looks like: The Crocodile got scared, screamed, started screaming, and from the toothy mouth the Sun fell out, rolled into the sky! It ran through the bushes, along the birch leaves. Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! All human internal systems are happy about the victory of Will and the strengthening of Faith. They thank: Bunnies and squirrels are happy, Boys and girls are happy, They hug and kiss the clubfoot: “Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun!” The above literary examples demonstrate the patterns of development of the processes of Unbelief within a person. If you give up, you will die; if you fight back, you will become stronger! I suggest you reflect on the following questions: HOW TO OVERCOME A PERIOD OF UNBELIEF IN REAL LIFE? The first thing to do is keep moving. How
