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Many people know what hypnosis and hypnotherapy are, in more or less detail, with certain distortions and fictions. But floating (or sensory deprivation) is a new and unknown phenomenon for most people. Its essence is ingeniously simple: a person in a special closed chamber lies on the surface of a very dense saline solution, which allows him to stay afloat without putting any effort into it. The solution and air in the chamber are heated to body temperature. The cell is completely dark and quiet. There are no external stimuli, including no sensations of gravity. In such conditions, complete relaxation occurs very quickly, internal silence and peace are established. This condition in itself is very useful and gives amazing effects from the first time. But the goal of rest and relaxation is not the only one that can be achieved with the help of floating. Through experiments we have found that being in a float chamber significantly enhances the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. How does this happen? The main mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of hypnosis are self-regulation, weakening the criticality of perception and the ability to control the psyche and body through suggestion and self-hypnosis. An almost mandatory condition for these mechanisms to take effect is the presence of a trance state. Now there are a huge number of different methods of entering a hypnotic state, based mainly on controlling the focus of attention, sensory and logical overload of consciousness, monotonous movements or monotonous speech. Accordingly, a significant difficulty on the path to achieving trance at first is the insufficiently developed ability to hold attention and concentrate for a long time on one thing. Noise and extraneous thoughts interfere; sometimes it seems that the internal dialogue is absolutely not subject to the will, and attention is focused on anything but what is needed. And if not everything is fine in the body, then muscle discomfort and a feeling that everything is numb are added to the distractions. Of course, an experienced hypnotherapist will help overcome these difficulties, but, as a rule, the first one or two sessions are spent learning to enter a special state of consciousness and adapting to it. Subsequently, the average client, who has not previously engaged in self-hypnosis, meditation, etc., develops a state of average depth, which in general is quite sufficient for therapy. The process of self-regulation and self-healing starts already in shallow states. However, criticality remains - to a much lesser extent than in the waking state, but still, in response to suggestion, its logical processing occurs, and then permission or prohibition is “issued”. A similar picture is observed with spontaneously arising visual images: they also go through a kind of censorship, then continue to develop or, usually in the case of an increased emotional reaction, are driven away and replaced by others, thereby slowing down the therapeutic process. Suggestibility, therefore, is also not maximum, although it is significantly higher than in the waking state, which makes it possible to successfully use hypnosis to work with both psychological and psychosomatic needs. The process of hypnotherapy occurs somewhat differently in combination with floating. A person, protected from external stimuli, initially focuses entirely on the internal sensations of the body. As you relax, when it may seem that the body is dissolving and disappearing, these sensations fade. The brain begins to work in the theta rhythm, accompanied by increased activity and a transition of the brain exclusively to the right-hemisphere mode of operation, which means a surge of creativity, insights, and paradoxical associations. The theta rhythm is characteristic of the REM sleep phase and very deep trance; in the waking state it appears extremely rarely. During floating, along with the theta rhythm,.
