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From the author: “Give at least 15 minutes to dreams every day. And if you come up with a hundred things, at least two of them will come true.” Milton Erickson The magical time of Christmastide has come, when traditionally it is customary to guess about the future for two weeks. And it’s so tempting to lift the veil of secrecy, find out the Creator’s providence and reduce the amount of uncertainty in your life. There have been times in my life when I saw Fate very differently. But I changed and my idea of ​​Fate was transformed. Even now I cannot confidently answer to what extent everything is predetermined. And I won’t even argue about this, because everyone believes for themselves who and how weaves the intricate pattern of their own Destiny. Today I believe that my Destiny is a joint creation in which the Creator outlined a general scenario for me, leaving the possibility of something change in detail. As a freedom-loving person, I like to fantasize that God remembered the freedom that he gave me when he created me, and left in his plan some opportunity for my improvisation. Some people believe that fate is fate and nothing can be changed in it. There is a strict set of circumstances, character, habits, and so on. If you want to maintain faith in your passive position (which may hide a fear of change, a fear of taking responsibility), I will not convert you to a different faith. I see that when a person believes that his Destiny is fatal and completely predetermined, he does not actively turn on his creative potential and does not realize it to the fullest. Moreover, consciously or unconsciously, such a person lives with the feeling that nothing can be changed in his life. Such a person, in the presence of anxiety or curiosity, is more likely to be inclined to fortune telling in order to reveal God’s plan (if this is at all possible). My belief in the fatality of fate is not so strong and does not go through life alone, but hand in hand with curiosity, interest, the desire to experiment and choose best for yourself. I am interested and excited to gain new experiences and create my life. I believe that I am left with a share of freedom, so why should I lift the veil of secrecy in fortune telling when my destiny is dynamic. And, if I can create it to some extent, then I live with the feeling that I can change my future. I have responsibility for such a process and the results of my life. And on Christmastide, as on any other day of the year, I will model my life. Where do I start? I will take stock and see where there are areas of deficiency, insufficiency, and lack of resources. I will take a closer look, examine my feelings, thoughts and needs in order to clearly see what parts of my life are important for me to improve now. I will discover limiting beliefs and begin to expand them, increasing the boundaries so that I like my thoughts. My first stage of work will be what is subject to awareness, what I can see. Then I will turn to the good and powerful wizard who lives inside me (within everyone). Psychotherapists call him unconscious and entrust him with this work. First, I will restore order in my inner space (let go of the obsolete, outdated, ballast), and then I will find and activate my internal resources that I need to move forward. And this process will trigger the formation of new and more favorable external circumstances in order to begin to create Destiny in a new way and change it in the desired direction. I will use self-hypnosis as a wonderful opportunity to turn to my sensual nature, which I value and extract wonderful gifts from this experience. A then I will repeat this experience until I get what I want. And then I will find a new Dream and everything will repeat all over again. I will be glad to share my skills with those who have a Dream and want to achieve it. Try to model your Destiny. And maybe you will like it. I wish you courage, curiosity and self-confidence to change your life for the better! My website: Psychologist psychotherapist online
