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Once in my youth I realized that I was surrounded by blue-eyed blonds - my father, grandfather, first young man, Dolph Lundgren. Even the cat was blond and blue-eyed. I stubbornly fell in love with similar men and didn’t notice it. Thanks to the psychotherapist who helped me find a family message about women’s happiness with a blue-haired and blue-haired man. The ideal prince should have looked only this way and no other way. We all come from childhood. It is in it that ideas about relationships, suitable/inappropriate partners, and life values ​​are laid down. Sometimes they are conscious, but more often they are not. This is why “new fairy tales with old endings” happen. I got off easy. Appearance is not the main thing. It is visible already at the first meeting and it is immediately clear that the person himself likes it, or is it the “call of the blood”. But many are less fortunate. Parental messages talk about “men-goats”, traitors, traitors, etc. And choosing what seems to be normal, after a while it turns out to be wrong again. For example, in a family from generation to generation, husbands leave the family soon after the birth of a child. And this is not “evil fate”, but the work of parental and family messages. It is likely that three or four generations ago, a woman who was unable to build her family relationships formed certain beliefs about men - that they are all scoundrels, unreliable, and cannot be trusted. Such beliefs at one time helped her cope with the reality and consequences of a failed family life, and saved her from repeating such a painful experience. She passed on these beliefs and attitudes towards men to her daughter - consciously and unconsciously. A girl raised by her mother with such a set of beliefs will subconsciously choose an unreliable man as her partner, because she has no experience of a trusting relationship with her father, and will project fears onto men and the attitudes of your mother, which have already become her internal attitudes. We build our own lives and it would be good to do this consciously. If there are repeating scenarios in your life - at work, in your personal life, with friends, it’s time to look deeper into yourself and find what makes you choose such people and build relationships with them. And you know the stories when the plot changes from changing characters does not change? If the article was useful and interesting for you, do not forget to click “thank you” and also subscribe so as not to miss my new articles) Sincerely, Your psychologist, Anastasia Pakhomova. Even more articles and videos on my Instagram* account* Instagram is owned by Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
