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From the author: For those who are looking for themselves - the Real...Where were you when this Universe was created?! Where were you when many worlds and countless creatures were created?! Where were you when you exchanged one life for another?!Where were you when you came into this world as a man, woman, father, mother, brother or friend?!Where were you when you were chasing material well-being, power, your beloved woman, family comfort, knowledge, your purpose in this world?! Where were you when in different lives and in different worlds you tried to achieve something and be “someone”?! Where were you when you bathed in the rays of glory and were cruelly humiliated ?!Where were you when you saw how entire civilizations were created and destroyed?!Where were you when you saw the birth of a new man and the death of people close to you?!Where were you when they told you: “leave this world and find another, much better one?” better than before"?! Where were you when you created something, dreamed, created, imagined?! Where were you when everything in life was falling apart and it seemed that there was no way out?! Where were you when you fell in love and when you fell in love with " you"?!Where were you when you found and lost friends?!Where were you when your loved one said: “I don’t need you anymore”?!Where were you when you received a lot of advice from others?!Where were you when looked for answers in various books and in conversations with teachers?! Where were you when you traveled to the most beautiful corners of nature and visited places of power?! Where were you when someone did not meet your expectations and values?! Where were you when someone -turned away and was disappointed in “you”?!Where were you when you were changing one idea about the world for another and looking for meaning in life?!Where were you when you thought that another person would make you happy?!Where were you when blamed yourself or looked for someone to blame?!Where were you when you thought that the best was somewhere in the future?!Where were you when you were afraid to be left alone or of being unwanted?!Where were you when someone earnestly urged you to believe in a specific god, teacher or teaching?! Where were you when “you” were called a sinner and said that you were living wrong?! Where were you when you were a teacher for others?! Where were you when you tried to be needed by someone and thought that others needed this?!Where are you when days, weeks, months, years and times pass before your eyes that have no end?!Where are you when sadness and joy, victories and defeats, diversity of thoughts and feelings?! Where are you when you remember your past, look to the future or are in the present?! WHERE YOU WERE, ARE AND WILL ALWAYS BE... WHERE YOU ARE - NOW…
