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From the author: What keeps people in relationships that are uncomfortable and painful? How do parental attitudes affect us? How to get rid of a bad habit? - training by Elena Ponomarenko on the transformation of tense connections. An invitation to personally get acquainted with the method of attachment therapy and its author, Elena Ponomarenko, turned into an amazing master class, plus a bonus: another “magic” professional tool for short-term therapy of unhealthy attachments, addictions, unproductive states and bad habits. To understand how the method works, imagine that you suddenly saw your pain, felt the constraint of suffocating care, or felt the delicate touch of human sympathy. It’s as if they took on shape and color, becoming obvious and tangible on the physical level.... The author of the method, as a result of a creative search, makes this possible, helping you symbolically express not only the personality structure, but also the sensations formulated in the request. In other words, to embody in a request special associative material, the appearance and texture of which is responded to by the client’s soul... The first stage of training, traditionally, is to formulate a request - what to do with what interferes with life, and the definition of the obstacle itself. The next step is to depict the request in a drawing. This is done in a special way that reveals the double and triple levels and relationships of the original request. Even without artistic talent, it is enough to symbolically designate on a piece of paper yourself, objects or subjects, interaction with which has become a request for training or therapy for you. And make sure that the image does not contradict the request. Next, material is selected that expresses the key points of the request and their relationship. A special collection of various objects for the implementation of plans here and now serves as a methodological aid. The selected material is placed in the conditional living space as it is felt in real life and depicted in the drawing. Having become acquainted with the collection “with your eyes and hands”, listening to yourself, you get the opportunity to choose what most accurately conveys your feelings. By placing and connecting selected artifacts and having visual and tactile access to them, in insight, you receive your own feedback - thoughts , emotions and sensations experienced here, with the participation and support of the presenter. From the moment when the correspondence between the image and its material embodiment is achieved, the most interesting part begins - the practice of research. The purpose and emotional content of the process are precisely these experiences and the associated bright discoveries inherent in good training. An insight that illuminates a painful or hidden point with a bright flash leads you to almost instantaneous changes in the perception of yourself and your relationships. Along the way, suppressed and repressed energy is released, giving a feeling of freedom from old, outdated, unnecessary connections. And your thinking does not sleep - it makes a revolution and gives birth to an understanding of how ready you are for real life changes. Bold ideas come to mind, accompanied by a feeling of euphoria, lightness and freedom. As a logical result, ideas about yourself and your relationships are placed “in new places” and new decisions are made that change your life. Concluding the master class, Elena and I discuss the therapeutic and environmental friendliness of the technique, and gradually I become convinced of the effectiveness of this laconic approach. For a good psychologist to get a complete picture, it is always important to get personal impressions, and after the next coffee break I decide to experiment - training in attachment therapy. I start by drawing a request on two sheets of paper - there are two requests, because I am not only mastering the master -class, but I also train in applying the technique. Having finished drawing, I listen to myself and make sure: “yes, this is it.” In a double request, clarifying whether I have signs of unhealthy attachments and a desire to understand how pity and.
