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From the author: I noticed that I am good at speaking (and good at writing) when I try to answer a question from some smart, interested person. This is how the idea of ​​a series of articles was born, which will be called “Questions from the backfill” - the name is not mine, so it’s good. Let’s start analyzing the first question from the backfill. “Why does a person, thinking about the causes of his problems, make mistakes in them, give the status of a cause to the wrong person?” What is she really like? In other words, why are the causes of problems repressed into the unconscious? (As I understand it, the reason is in the ban. But does this mean that people’s problems are rooted in prohibitions? Could there be a situation where a person wants to please the opposite sex, but is not liked because he is scary. He understands that he is scary , worries about this, but, nevertheless, sees the problem and its cause where it really exists. That is, in the above example there is no internal restriction/prohibition on seeing the cause of the problem, or is it impossible? . j. Desire (in the example - the desire to be liked, the desire to be beautiful) arises where there is a prohibition, the desire is always about some violation of the prohibition. If so, then can all desires be like that? but the fact that they are all at the same time, to some extent, forbidden is not entirely clear to me.” Armenian Radio responds: What would be good to know in the context of this question first of all is that there is no “reason in reality” Let's try to see this using an example that the author of the question very successfully gives. (1) A person wants to please the opposite sex... (2) ...But he doesn’t like it because he’s scary. He understands that he is scary. The first question that arises already at this point in reading is what does scary mean? It is very important to understand that there are no objective criteria for the analytical paradigm. What seems to us personally as analysands as objective criteria is nothing more than the work of the hidden foundations of our phantasm, our personal script. This is our coordinate system. In whose eyes is a person terrible? What does it mean to be scary? Who is this opposite sex and why doesn't he like scary ones? These are all questions of a person’s personal history. These are the questions because of which he...(3) ...is worried about this. Here we are faced with another position of Lacanian psychoanalysis, the position that affect (what is called experience here) is a signal , a pointer, but nothing more. We need to understand who this signal is addressed to. There is a general answer to this question: the signal is addressed to the Other. Who is the Other in this story and what does he want from our terrible character? Based on the example, it is absolutely impossible to say this (well, except that this Other has some relation to the opposite sex). There is no direction for such a search within the text. Does the hero of the example understand the reason for his suffering? Apparently not. Then what is his formulation “I suffer because I’m scary”? It provides a convenient answer that eliminates further questions. What will happen if the hero of our example asks questions like those that we gave in the analysis of his situation? This will lead him to the understanding that he himself takes some part in the fact that he considers himself terrible and suffers precisely because of this. And also the fact that this suffering is an effect of relationships. His own relationship with the Other. Relations in the mathematical sense. These relationships are based on the formula of phantasm, the formula of how the desire of this particular person is structured (the author of the question rightly notes that according to Lacanian analysis, desire is the desire of the Other). Everyone has their own formula for phantasm; it is impossible to know it in advance. It can only be withdrawn. The practice of psychoanalysis is a way to derive such a formula. There is no “really” reason behind it. Saying that is like saying NaCl is the real cause.
