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Due to my departure from the country, this forecast will cover 2 upcoming months. So, June (as well as July) began on the 4th lunar day. Its symbol is the “tree of the knowledge of Good and evil.” This day pushes us to choose the direction of our life path in a broad sense, and also confronts us with moral choices in ordinary everyday situations. The day is dangerous with temptations, it can become an exam for passing life lessons. B 4 The 1st lunar day, as well as the 7th, has great power in prayers and appeals to the Higher powers for help. In June, Mars “dots the I’s” for the third time, passing through important points of the astrological chart, both for each individual individually and on a global scale as a whole. In the period from June 13 to June 28, it closes the square of Pluto and Uranus, transforming her in Tau-square, which will cause another aggravation in society, increase the danger of accidents, cataclysms and provoke a new surge of aggression. Days of exact aspects are June 14 (opposition with Uranus) and June 25 (square with Pluto). But aspects of Uranus and Mars often manifest themselves several days before the exact aspect (Uranus - up to 7 days, and Mars - 2-3 days). From June 7, Mercury becomes retrograde. It will be in retrograde motion until July 1 and will only leave the loop on July 16. This means that events “marked” by Mercury from May 23 (when it entered the loop) until June 7 will be actively worked out during its retrograde period (until July 1) and will come to an end in the period from July 1 to July 16. During the retrograde phase of Mercury, it is effective to correct the mistakes of the past, repair equipment, revise agreements. Therefore, during this period, previous partners may return, relations with whom are not completed (mutual claims remain , grievances, unclear issues) or the same problems will arise with current partners as in previous relationships. Communication and transport means may fail, and therefore a preventive inspection of them will not hurt. Errors in documents will be discovered or there will be a need to make changes to the terms of the contract. New relationships (personal or work), concluding contracts, purchasing any things, especially To a certain extent, this applies to transport and communications, as well as large purchases that require registration; this is especially unfavorable during this period, since after Mercury leaves the loop, hidden shortcomings will be revealed in them. Neptune goes retrograde on June 9th. He will remain in this state until November 15 this year. And it will only come out of the loop on March 6, 2015. Retrograde Neptune draws our attention to our internal spiritual problems. For people prone to illusions and self-deception, this is a period of even greater cloudiness of consciousness. For those with addiction tendencies (alcohol, drugs, sexual, psychological) – a period of their aggravation. For people who practice and strive for Spiritual development, insights and the development of extrasensory abilities through self-knowledge and meditation are possible. Mental illnesses also enter an acute phase. It is important to understand that the retrograde phase of any planet is designed to direct our attention to solving existing problems, so that in the future the most use its energy fruitfully. That is why something that needs to be corrected is aggravated, since it interferes with our further development. Aggravation is a way to attract our attention and, accordingly, our energy to solving a problem. In June, Venus is the “queen of aspects.” On June 5, on the 9th lunar day, she forms a square to Lilith, which is fraught with unnecessary purchases, demonstration of not very “beautiful” character traits, increased capriciousness, and susceptibility to all sorts of temptations from gastronomic to sexual. June 9 – trine Venus and Pluto. A very favorable day for solving global problems in relationships, as well as sexual ones (especially against the backdrop of Mercury retrograde).[p] On June 12, Venus forms an opposition with Saturn. On the one hand, the aspect can provoke conflicts with elders and those occupying a higher position. WITH
