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Imagine a situation: you agreed with a friend to go to football, but it didn’t work out. What will you do? Will you go alone, start looking for company, or not go at all? Everyone’s attitude towards spending time with themselves is different: some are afraid of it, some are happy about it and deliberately avoid society, but, as with everything, balance is important. So what's good about being alone? Let's think about it.* Productivity - once you are alone, you can get much more done from what you planned or accumulated; * Improved relationships with others - spending time with yourself, you understand yourself better, which means others will be easier to understand you, as well as you them;* Opportunities - you won’t have to cancel your trip, for example, due to lack of company. You can go yourself; * Freedom of choice - you don’t need to adapt to someone else’s wishes. You can watch the movie you want, dine on your favorite dish, etc.; * Self-sufficiency - by being alone with yourself, you learn to make decisions, cope with problems, take responsibility; * Independence - here it’s more about “you only need you to be happy” . We often say that we are unhappy because our husband doesn’t give us flowers, the weather is bad, our boss is annoying and all that. Loneliness teaches us to satisfy our emotional hunger on our own. By learning to live in harmony with ourselves, we gain emotional support. Good list, don’t you agree? How to learn this? Spend time in nature - take a walk, sit in the park with a book, listen to the chirping of birds or the crunch of snow. Go to a restaurant - enjoy delicious food, look out the window at people. Find a hobby - draw a picture, assemble a puzzle, a model car. Remember, maybe you have been postponing something or even a trip for a long time? Spending time with yourself alone allows you to get positive emotions. Having learned to hear yourself, you come to understand what brings joy and replenishes your resource. This is how you spend time with your inner child and take care of yourself. Now is the time to do it! Try it and you will see that being alone is not so scary and not at all strange. Where do you start??
