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From the author: (based on the works of V. Reich, A. Lowen, P. Levin, etc.) Health can be defined as the ABILITY TO ENJOY LIFE, and neurosis is the inability to such enjoyment . We all come from childhood, we are raising or will be raising children, so let’s talk about how to avoid the development of neurosis when raising a child. Neuroses are primarily caused by “deprivations,” or “deprivations,” when a person, due to life circumstances, is deprived of something very important. As a rule, a person is deprived of love and affection. The child was born. The umbilical cord is cut, and now he is taken to the children's ward, depriving him of physical (and at the same time mental) intimacy with his mother. He is swaddled tightly, and this, according to scientists, already in the first month of life leads to severe anxiety. The first feeling that manifests itself in the life of a living being is love for the mother, and the full development of the child can only be achieved in contact with her. Depriving a small child of affection, care and warmth leads to truly tragic consequences... The fact is that a child is a being with a completely erotic body, his soul and body are one. The child receives pleasure not only from satisfying the need for food, but the whole body (and soul) of the child responds with pleasure to contact with the mother’s body (and, of course, the soul). If this closeness is limited, the child will lose the feeling of pleasure. Eliminate this intimacy, and for the child his own body will become a source of suffering: it hurts the baby when he desperately strives for intimacy that does not come. If the pain becomes too strong, the child seems to “numb”, as if “wooden”, his soul (psyche) is separated from his bodily feelings, he holds his breath and no longer tries to receive pleasant stimulation. This is how the soul is separated from the body. Later, as an adult, he will avoid bodily stimulation because it may trigger the repressed feeling of pain that he experienced at an early age. Lack of love in the early years of life entails “incompleteness” and emotional underdevelopment of a person. Bodily (also mental) pleasure near the mother’s breast and in contact with her body is the basis for the development of a person’s personality and his mind... Another source of positive emotions for the emotional development of a person is autoeroticism. As mentioned above, the child is a creature with a holistically erotic body. The fact that a baby receives pleasure from breastfeeding, similar to the erotic pleasure of an adult, is proven by the fact that boys (male babies) can experience an erection during feeding. Already in infancy, children, exploring their own bodies, often play with their genitals. And parents often have a question: is this normal? This is a completely natural phenomenon for an infant and, moreover, it makes a positive contribution to his emotional development. After all, it is playing with one’s body that gives the child the experience that he can please himself, without the help of an adult, which lays the foundation for a sense of personal autonomy in the future. Therefore, no prohibitions from parents in this regard are inappropriate. The desire of parents to stop play with their genitals in an infant can subsequently serve as a source of the formation of passivity, excessive dependence, intellectual and sexual disorders, i.e. neurosis. Punishment for playing with genitals is the same as weaning a child from the mother's breast and body. An infant does not separate himself psychologically from his mother, and his body from her body. Deprivation of tactile (bodily) contact with the mother leads to serious disorders of sexual behavior not only in humans, but also in primates, as shown in a large number of zoopsychological and ethological (behavioral) studies of the 50-70s of the last century. Particular danger to future psychosexual development and human health.
