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As I already wrote, the main enemy No. 1 for a woman is the fear of loneliness. Today I will talk about the enemy that I constantly have to face when getting rid of love addiction, about the feeling of guilt. The feeling of guilt arises when a person does not have a clear idea about himself, about his rights, about his desires, about the right to fulfill his desires, when there are no clear personal boundaries, in short, it’s a mess in the head. It’s very easy to impose other people’s desires on such a person, because he’s like plasticine, you can mold him into any convenient shape. For example, a fat woman can be forced to feel guilty that she’s fat, scary, to no one, except for him, she is not needed, because he tolerates her, while no one else will tolerate her and therefore, as a sign of gratitude, she must accept his drunkenness, betrayal and rowdy behavior. Even a slender young beauty can be imposed on her that she is a fool or has bad character (and this cannot be definitely verified, since there are no durometers in nature), so do not marry her, but come to her whenever you want. If a man has lost interest in you, do not blame yourself for anything, and do not let him , no one is to blame for anything, the stage of saturation and satiety has just arrived. This can be cured with distance. As soon as you move away from him, everything will fall into place: borscht will immediately become tasty, you will be slim, your character will be angelic, etc. About the distance, those who don’t know here As they say, you can get to the bottom of the post. One woman felt guilty about being a woman. During the metaphor session, she remembered that her parents wanted a boy, and she was born. Moreover, no one seemed to accuse her of anything, but she herself decided that it was her fault that she was born a girl, so she began to perform male functions in the family in order to compensate for the damage to her parents, and then to her husband. Even more often I had to encounter the situation, when parents actually blamed small children for being born in principle and bringing them hardships. “I gave birth to you, it was so hard for me, my dad abandoned me,” not even a direct accusation, but an indirect one, seemingly similar to a complaint, can serve as a curse for a child. He either tries to be inconspicuous, transparent, without desires, so as not to burden his parents, or he begins to work like Papa Carlo in order to compensate for the damage to his parents, and then to his husband. Thus, guilt is instilled in the child from birth and is perceived by him as a given, as a matter of course and is considered the norm by them. Parents with a sense of guilt give birth to selfish children who ride first on their parents, then on their spouses. And so there are two loneliness: one with a feeling of guilt, in metaphor often guilt is represented in the form of a saddle or a cart, and the second with a whip in hand - an egoist, for whom riding on others is also quite natural. They often come to me for my sessions women with a horse metaphor, “I feel like a horse,” they tell me, one was even a horse in heels). But more often than not, they are “draft horses” who carry their husbands, their superiors, and even their husband’s relatives on themselves or in a cart. This is what we do during our sessions, transforming mares into beautiful swans, or a beautiful rose bush, or a magical bird, or a beautiful woman, depending on your ideas about femininity and self-perceptions. The worst thing that can happen in a relationship is self-criticism, self-examination, on the one hand, you seem to feel that you are right during a conflict, but your partner is so insistent that he is right, even threatening to break up, that you are already beginning to doubt yourself, or maybe he really is right? maybe I'm a fool? who will figure it out?! We are not taught to be ourselves anywhere, we are taught to be specialists at work, to be useful to society, but no one cares about ourselves. My breakthrough in personal growth began precisely from the moment when I realized that I am normal, I don’t need to change and don’t who to adapt to. That I can 100% trust my feelings: if I didn’t like that my partner was late for a date, my?
