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“The analyst must continue to learn endlessly. His own pain is what determines the extent of his ability to heal.” K. G. Jung. The word "healer", considered an outdated title for a doctor, is often used in religious texts to refer to treatment carried out by mystical and divine means. On the one hand, what kind of mysticism can there be for a modern person? Magic and magic are definitely not what we want to count on when we feel bad or in pain. But, on the other hand, every doctor will say that categories such as faith, fortitude, and hope play an important role in the healing of a patient. Finally, such areas as positive psychotherapy and psychosomatics talk about the connection between physical ailments and the psychological state and recommend psychological changes to heal the body. In the history of mankind, and even in modern times, there are examples of miraculous healing. In this article, I want to invite you, together with me, to delve into the origins of the experience of all humanity, namely: through the collective unconscious, to find what resources we can use today if we need healing of the body or soul. The archetype as a structural element of the collective unconscious tells us that , which we met earlier in myths, legends, and fairy tales of “wounded healers.” In mythology, Apollo is a god-healer who healed through the means of knowledge. Chiron is an immortal centaur suffering from his unhealing wound, which was accidentally inflicted on him by his friend Hercules. Asclepius, the son of Apollo, the god of medicine, was so perfect in the art of healing that he could even revive the dead, for which he suffered. What role does a doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or analyst play in “saving” another? Apollo is the god of the sun and knowledge. His ability to heal is based on his knowledge of medicine. In the modern world, he is the patron saint of doctors, where knowledge and experience lead in understanding the disease and its treatment. And it is not at all necessary that the doctor has suffered from this disease in order for him to know how to treat it. But on the other hand, when the doctor himself has suffered from a serious illness, his attitude towards the patient changes, and then another part of his inner healer is healing. Chiron. Chiron was distinguished by his kind disposition and wisdom from other centaurs. Let me remind you that centaurs are wild mortal creatures with the head and torso of a man on the body of a horse, characterized by a violent temperament and intemperance. Chiron is trained. His knowledge takes control of his instincts. He, relying on his experience, willingly shares it with his students. A person comes to a psychologist for the experience of “living”, so that the psychologist can teach him to connect the body with the head, instincts with the mind. Chiron is a psychotherapist. Request to him: relieve pain, remove a symptom, explain how to do it correctly. Asclepius - surpassed his father Apollo and his mentor Chiron in the art of healing. Asclepius creates ritual healing. When they came to the temple of Asclepius with a spiritual wound, first the priestesses washed the body of the sufferer, then they put him to bed and waited for the dream, interpreting which they prescribed treatment. The priestesses believed that through sleep the sick person received healing from the gods themselves. The priestesses believed in the healing power inside a person, in the divine spark that ignites in a person and heals him. Their task was only to create the conditions for this. A wound that is inflicted on the body needs to be treated with brilliant green, sutures, and bandages, if necessary. But it is not this that heals the wound, but the regenerative ability of the cells to heal the wound. The Temple of Asclepius is like an analytic relationship in which the analyst says, “I am not a healer, I do not heal. I can only create a ritual where the wounded healer begins to work within you.” This healing is attributed by Jungians to the archetypal forces of the unconscious and the Self. We look for manifestations of the wounded healer in dreams and visions that arise from the person's unconscious. If our wounds are consonant with the client's wounds, then we can go deeper within ourselves into the experience of how we dealt with our wounds. And, perhaps,.
