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Your spouse is independent, success accompanies him everywhere, he is the life of the party and is always in a great mood? Bad luck. But it's easy to fix. Every wife can make a loser out of a husband, turn him into an insecure and dependent person. Decide on the qualities Find, or better yet, write down on a piece of paper all the negative qualities of the husband. Don’t write positive ones, many people have them. But your spouse’s negative qualities are the most terrible and in large quantities. This is exactly the thought you owe to your husband. Compare Compare your husband always and everywhere with film actors, athletes, your neighbor, your friends’ husbands. The important point is that this comparison should not be in favor of the spouse. Play to the public Love to tell funny incidents that happened to your husband or stories that he would like to keep silent about in a friendly circle or at a holiday dinner. It’s better to start with a dismissive one. But mine.... As soon as your husband stops turning your story into a joke, and begins to remain huntedly silent or humiliatingly assent to you, know that you have won. Down with the affection Replace the affectionate and so banal addresses dear, beloved with loser, mumble . By doing this, you are only accelerating the process of turning your husband into a loser. No support If your husband decides to do something, starts some business, do not even think about providing him with support. Instead, remind him that he is a failure and will never succeed. Next, it is advised to list those negative qualities that will prevent him from achieving success. If this happens, what I said should sound loud and mocking. By the way, here’s another humiliating story for your family dinner. If suddenly your husband succeeded in his plan, take note that you feel too sorry for him more than reminders about what a loser, lazy, stupid, etc. he is. And in such a situation there is no need to be happy for your husband. It’s better to pretend that nothing happened. Grumble Grumble and nag your husband, because he does everything wrong, insist on your own. And when your husband, completely exhausted by your bad character, agrees, say the anecdotal “It’s too late.” I’ve already changed my mind!, keep screaming. Remember the main thing, the wife creates the atmosphere in the house. So create an atmosphere fertile for the development of complexes. Read more bad advice HERE>>
