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There comes a time in the life of every parent when he has to make a decision about whether his son or daughter should attend kindergarten. Preparing a baby for an upcoming event is the most exciting, anxious and at the same time crucial moment in the life of many mothers and fathers. I can say with confidence that all children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten, but what it will be like: easy or difficult, short or long - depends primarily on the parents. Based on personal professional experience and the experience of psychologists in preschool institutions, I would like to bring to your attention a “Memo for parents when a child enters kindergarten.” Following these recommendations will help facilitate the process of adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten, and the visit to the preschool institution itself will be a joyful event in the life of your child! Memo for parents when the child enters kindergarten. 1. First of all, make sure you are confident that your family needs kindergarten right now. A child feels very well when parents doubt the advisability of kindergarten education. Children whose parents have no alternative to kindergarten adjust more easily and quickly. 2. It is necessary to create a calm environment in the house, to treat emotional stress with understanding through active movements, interesting games, etc. The baby should be put to bed early at night after a warm bath. Communication with the child during this period should be especially affectionate. 3. Parents need to tell their child in advance what kindergarten is, why children go there, and why parents want their child to attend kindergarten. It is advisable to have conversations with the child: “A kindergarten is such a beautiful big house where mothers and fathers bring their children. We would really like you to meet and make friends with other children and adults. In kindergarten everything is adapted for children. There are small tables and chairs, cribs, small sinks for washing, small cabinets, and many beautiful toys. You will find it very interesting and fun in the garden...” 4. When passing by a kindergarten, happily remind your child how lucky he is - he will be able to go there in the fall. In the presence of the baby, tell your relatives and friends about your great luck - he was accepted into kindergarten. 5. Teach your child to get to know other children and address them by name; ask rather than take away toys. And also show attention and sympathy to peers (share toys, give in); respond to a peer’s request, help him; call the group teachers by name and patronymic, know your name, treat things and toys with care. During the game, treat your friends kindly and sympathetically, play together with other children, and use toys together with other children. 6. Accustom your child to a routine. It is very important to improve the health of the child. In 1-2 months. undergo medical examination, pass the necessary tests. Try to let your child spend as much time as possible outdoors (at least 4 hours in winter and all daylight hours in summer). Constantly perform massage, gymnastics, and hardening procedures. If your baby has a poor appetite, do not force feed him. Try to bring your home diet closer to the kindergarten diet. Eliminate pureed food from your child's diet. 7. When going to kindergarten, you need to get acquainted with the teacher of the group where the child is admitted in advance. Tell him what affectionate word (name) the child is called at home, tell him about his habits, behavioral characteristics and other details of home life. It is also necessary on weekends, when the child is at home, to adhere to the daily routine adopted by the child. garden. Sudden changes in routine, even over the course of several days, knock the child out of his usual rhythm and cause excessive nervousness. 8. If the child still has the habit of rocking or sucking by the time he enters kindergartenpacifiers must be weaned off gradually: first at home, then in kindergarten, in agreement with the teacher. The child can bring his favorite toys, books or other trinkets to the group, which he will not part with. This will help the child get used to the preschool easier and painlessly. 9. Develop a simple system of farewell signs with your child - it will be easier for him to let you go. 10. Remember that it can take up to six months for a child to get used to kindergarten. It is better if during this period the family has the opportunity to adapt to the peculiarities of the baby’s adaptation. 11. The child will get used to it the faster the more children and adults he builds relationships with. Help your child with this. Meet other parents and their children. Call other children by name in front of your child. Ask your child at home about Lena, Tolya, etc. Encourage your child to seek help and support from others in your presence. 12. In the presence of a child, avoid making critical remarks about the kindergarten and its employees. Never scare your child with kindergarten. 13. During the adaptation period, emotionally support the baby. Now you spend less time with him - compensate for this with the quality of communication: hug your child more often, take an interest in his successes and failures, note any changes in his mood. 14. Teach your child to manage his clothes independently. Make sure that all things are as simple and comfortable as possible, without unnecessary fasteners or buttons, boots with Velcro. It’s better to replace the hat and scarf with a helmet-hat - it won’t blow your neck, and it’s easier to put on. Instead of shirts, prepare turtlenecks, instead of jackets, sweaters. In general, the main thing is that the child quickly gets ready for a walk and is neat and tidy. To make it easy for your child to put away his things, take care of the loops on the clothes that are comfortable for the child. Label your clothes. It is advisable to indicate not only the first and last name, but also a conventional symbol (flower, butterfly, etc.), introduce it to the baby so that he can easily recognize his clothes. At home, organize a hanger for your child’s outerwear so that it is accessible to the baby, and so that he can independently hang his clothes there after a walk. Don’t do this for your child, but watch, guide him, help him, remind him, praise him for putting his things back in his place without being asked. Before going to bed, place a high chair next to the crib for clothes. Teach him to take off his clothes on his own and fold them on a high chair, and in the morning to put on the clean clothes that you have prepared. Make sure your child knows the name of the clothing and points to it correctly. When the child gets dressed and undressed, be close to him and encourage him using play techniques. If necessary, help your child with advice expressed in a calm tone. Don't rush your child, stay calm: self-care skills require effort, patience and repeated repetitions. Give your child the opportunity to master the necessary skills, including cultural and hygienic ones. 15. Teach your child to say hello and goodbye to adults and peers, using words expressing a request, gratitude (thank you, please); follow basic rules of cultural behavior outdoors and indoors; do not trample green spaces, throw garbage in designated places, use the toilet carefully, do not leave the table without finishing your meal, say “thank you,” etc. It must be remembered that parents are a model for behavior - what parents do, children do too! Prepare a “dowry for the child.” To make the child feel comfortable at first, he can take a toy with him from home to kindergarten, which will show him where his crib is, the table, what toys are in the group, and introduce him to the children. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the following for the kindergarten: - Change of shoes (slippers or high-heeled shoes with!
