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From the author: Research continues... It is well known that one of the most important pedagogical tasks of any educational institution is working with first-year students, aimed at their faster and more successful adaptation to the new education system, to a new system of social relations, for them to master the new role of students. The task of the college in this difficult period for a young man is to help him adapt to new learning conditions as quickly and successfully as possible and join the ranks of the student body. The problem of adaptation is relevant for all levels of education. Despite the existing differences in the target, content and procedural components, at each educational level, the adaptation process is characterized by the presence of both specific and general ones. The need for adaptation in a person arises when he begins to interact with any system under conditions of a certain mismatch with it, which creates the need for change. These changes may be related to the person himself or the system with which he interacts, as well as to the nature of the interaction between them. That is, the trigger for a person’s adaptation process is a change in his environment, in which his usual behavior turns out to be ineffective or even ineffective, which creates the need to overcome difficulties associated precisely with the novelty of conditions. Every teacher of an educational institution knows from his own experience that working with first-year students and pedagogical communication with first-year students has its own distinctive characteristics. This is due to both the psychophysiological characteristics of age and social factors. In our college, we conducted a study aimed at identifying the level of adaptation among first-year students; the role of the class teacher in the adaptation process is also important. The questions were compiled by 1st year students. They were divided into blocks. BLOCK I - attitude towards college. Did you go to college of your own free will? 97% - yes. 3% - noWould you like to go back to school? 33% - yes, 67% - no Do you like studying in college? 95% - yes, 5% - no II block Relations with teachers Do you have access to the material that teachers explain? 87% - yes, 13% - no Do you like the attitude of teachers towards you? 87% - yes, 13% - no Do teachers raise their voice at you or find fault with you? 47% - yes, 53% - noIII relationship with the class teacher Do you think that your class teacher doesn’t care about you? 27% - yes, 73% - no. Do you ask your class teacher for help? 90% - yes, 10% - no. Would you like to change your class teacher? 25% - yes, 75% no IV relationships with the group Do you have friends in the group? 92% yes, 8% no Do you have a good relationship with the group? 92% yes, 8% noDo you divide the group into good and bad? 27% yes, 73% noHave you ever had any misunderstandings with your classmates? 36% yes, 64% noV Relationships with senior studentsDo senior students conflict with you? 16% yes, 84% no Do you feel pressure from anyone while in college? 14% - yes, 86% no. Questionnaire “The class teacher through the eyes of a student” The minimum number of points that can be scored in this method is 24 points. Indicators ranging from 24 to 48 are considered minimal. Indicators ranging from 49 to 71 are considered average. And indicators from 72 to 96 are considered high. There are 3 blocks in this questionnaire. Block 1 – relationships with the group. Block 2 – organizing things. 3 block general characteristics. Block 3 required a detailed answer to 3 questions.1. what role did the class teacher play in your life?2. Name the most characteristic features of your class teacher3. What would you like to change in the work of your class teacher? Among the most interesting answers are questions. To question 1 - during this period it helped me get on the right path. A big one, plays the role of a mentor. The most common answer is none. To the 2nd question - kind, smart, strict, sensitive, knows how to listen, To the 3rd question - stop loving.
