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If you don’t cover up apathy with quick joys, how can you live through it? The following will not work for clinical disorders. There are already other mechanisms. Here we are talking about common human feelings: “I don’t want anything, I don’t know what to do.” You need to understand: 1) Variability is always good. If we constantly do the same thing, we become hostage to one scenario. And even in similar situations, the brain will choose this scenario. It is very visible in alcoholics. 2) Depressed mood is also important. Because it hides deep fears. And it is very useful to know them in person. An exercise that can be performed when you are “bad”. Write down 10 fears that are present now. Re-read and see what feelings they cause. Make 10 goals from these 10 fears. (I'm afraid of this, but I want this). For each of these 10 goals, write down key actions that can be done in the near future to move towards the goal. Perform one of these key actions weekly. It's important to praise yourself for this. Even a kind word spoken to yourself works) Example: “I’m worthless. I can’t do anything, I don’t want to do anything.”What am I afraid of? -I’m afraid of being of no use to anyone and being left alone.What would I like? -I would like to be useful to my parents and friends.What can I do to achieve this ?-I can call my mom and find out if she needs help. I can write to a friend, find out how he is doing. The key point is that the wording should be REAL, not abstract. “I am afraid of disappearing in a dark world alone” and “I want the world to be kinder to me” - does not work. What does it mean to perish? What kind of dark world is this? Who exactly is the world? Kinder - does this mean how? If we don’t ask ourselves such questions, then there will be no answer to them. It is important to praise yourself for your actions. Reinforce not when “I’m worthless,” but when I’ve done something. For example: “I’m great. I wrote the article, but didn’t forget about it.” How does what you read resonate with you? Do you often praise yourself or is it somehow weird? If you have difficulty transforming fears into goals or self-praise, you can contact me for advice.
