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“The socks are lying around in the wrong place”📌Each of you has experienced the fact that you snapped at a loved one over some little thing?! Have you ever wondered what this is connected with? Today we’ll talk about Physiology, more precisely about brain chemistry! There is such a thing as a NEUROMEDIATOR - these are biologically active chemical substances, thanks to which the electrochemical impulse is transmitted from a nerve cell through the synaptic space between neurons. I’ll try to make it simpler. Neurotransmitters are excitatory, excitatory-inhibitory, and only inhibitory! There are quite a few of them, but today we will talk about something simple so that you understand the principle. For example, adrenaline is exciting (fight or flight), and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. When you are full of strength and resource, your inhibitory mechanisms work perfectly, you don’t pay attention to many things, you can control your emotional state, you have excellent your mood and life are wonderful! But when you are exhausted, for example, you were very tired at work, then you traveled for several hours in traffic jams, then you stopped at a store where you stood in a long line. You also need to cook or do homework with your child or something else, but you no longer have any strength left. In this state, the braking mechanisms stop working and you lose control over some trifle! And those unfortunate socks will be a lever to drain all the negativity accumulated over the whole day! Important: 1. Don’t bring yourself to complete exhaustion 2. Give yourself the right to rest, with the words I need to rest, otherwise it will be bad for everyone) 3. Inspect where you are draining your resource, what can be delegated, and what is not worth your attention at all!!!📌 Since then We touched on inhibitory mechanisms, I want to talk about something equally IMPORTANT! When a person is sober, he controls his behavior thanks to the same mechanisms, the person behaves “correctly”, says “as he should”, behaves “as he should” BUT!!! As soon as he drinks alcohol , and taram pam pam... he becomes real, without masks! The breakdown products of alcohol affect the inhibitory mechanisms, because they pass the BBB (blood-brain barrier). Due to this, the inhibitory mechanisms do not work, they are blocked and the person begins to say what he thinks. in fact, to behave as he really is, to act as he really wants! That’s why all the excuses that he was drunk are a complete lie! At that moment, you saw and heard exactly what it really is, called the TRUTH! If you want to get to know a person: 1. Give him something to drink2. Make him angry3. Look at how a person behaves behind the wheel and you will see and understand a lot! If something is not clear, ask questions and we will discuss it😉
